Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 21,2013 First day of Summer in Colorado Springs!

Today is one of those days when we're just going to take it easy. We take our time over breakfast. We decided we were just going to check out Colorado Springs today!?!
Every day we wake up to a smokey hazy day & in the evenings the smoke is even heavier. So sad that sooooo much natural beauty can be destroyed in just of puff......
With the morning routine done we head to the highway! This time Otis is staying at the RV & this time we didn't pack a picnic lunch! I'm happy now!!!
Even with the smokey haze, Colorado Springs still have a nice view! We didn't see a whole lot of downtown Colorado Springs! We wound up at a mall!
Lennie hates Malls or shopping period but it was his idea! He left home with 5 pair of brand new shorts from JC Penney's but he's lost so much weight(58 lbs!) that we exchanged the shorts once in Durango,Colo but before he had even worn the exchanged shorts, we had to exchange them again!?! Penney's is real nice about exchanging things! After exchange shopping we just walked around the mall, before you knew it, lunch was over & we hadn't eaten anything????
We drove to a Rudy's BBQ Restaurant. We were familiar with Rudy's BBQ from the short year we lived in Texas. We knew they were good & we were hoping it was the same restaurant!
It looked like the same restaurant from the outside!
One step inside & I thought I was back in Texas at good ole Rudy's BBQ! Now I hope this Rudy's still has that wonderful creamed corn I use to get with my order!
They did & it was still just as good as I remembered it! Oh yum!!!
Well Otis didn't get a McDouble today for staying home but he did get some McRudy's!!!!
No.....this is not another picnic! After we gave Otis his treat from Rudy's BBQ, we drove back into town,  so I could have Internet connection to post my travel blog & Lennie could do our banking!!! This time Otis came with us!

1 comment:

  1. AAhhhhh, no sunglasses. Nice to see ya, Cuz!! My mouth is watering for some good ribs. What a pleasant place to do computer must need some high-techy stuff to get online. I know nothing about such things. I got Joe a laptop and figured I could use it anywhere, anytime......NOT!!!!! LOL
