Friday, September 2, 2016

August 26-September 1, 2016-Still in Petoskey~Moving Day???~Mushroom Houses in Charlevoix~Laundry DayπŸ™~Last Day.....

Monday August 29, 2016- Last night we went to bed before we planned to!?! The reason being.....we lost our electric AGAIN, this time Lennie couldn't get it to come back on???? Since arriving at Magnus Park we experienced some electrical issues. Lennie kept going back & forth with the Park & with Don, the guy who works at the company where we got our surge protector. First thing this morning I hear Lennie on the phone with Don....then he leaves, well he needed coffee & we had no electric!!! Not really he went to get parts in case he has to by pass the surge protector, but he also got coffee at McDonalds! When he gets back I hear him involved in conversation with both don & the guy here at the park! Finally our electrical issues are solved!!! Turns out, the problem wasn't with our RV or the surge protector, the problem was with the park, the problem's on the pole! The park does staff an electrician, but he's not available today!!!😭 Boy oh Boy!!!! Luck would have it another water view site opened up this very moment & we were told to move down there! We're moving from site #2 to site #9, it's not a downgrade either, we still have all the amenities including a view of the Bay! Even tho the move is just a few sites down from us, it's still a hassle gathering all our stuff up & making the move....we have no choice, we make the move, & get squared away at our new site!
                                                                     Our 'NEW" site! #9
                                                      View out the front windshield
                                                                                                 Little Traverse Bay

All settled in!

Originally today we were going to drive into the nearby town of Charlevoix just to look around, but after the electrical frustrations then the move.....we just decided to loaf around the RV site & plan to go to Charlevoix tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with a loafing day! After a day of loafing we look forward to the evening sunset! Tonight there was a cloud bank so, the sunset wasn't as blood red fabulous as last night's sunset, but it was still GOOOOOD!!!!


As we were watching the sunsetting, a little girl with WAAAAY TOO MUCH energy went cartwheeling by us!


Tuesday August 30, 2016- This morning  after our coffee & oatmeal we didn't walk, but we rode our bikes into Petoskey!

This  Church, was the first Catholic Church in Petoskey built in 1859. It is open on Sundays from 11:00am-3:00pm. I missed my opportunity to go inside...πŸ˜“
                                                  St Francis Solanus Indian Mission

                                                 Still looks overcast over the Marina
                                     Hmmmm we must be going to see....a Waterfall!
              Yep! right here in the park!

                                 We're on a mission! We're riding our bikes over to Kilwin's!
Kilwin's has been around since 1947, tho I am just hearing about it??? they started out in the chocolate candy business before branching out into ice cream, popcorn, chocolate covered pretzels & the like.
Believe it or not.....we arrived just in time for a CHOCOLATE TOUR!!! What luck on our part!!!


Do you see your favorite candy flavor?

Preparing to go around the candy making or Day Surgery!?!

This is Chocolate too!!!! This chocolate Santa is made with a 2 piece mold. It then takes all day to paint this chocolate Santa! I would love to have that job!

At the end of our Tour, Lyn our Tour Guide let us each have a sample of a chocolate Tuttle of our choice. A couple of people didn't want their sample???? I wanted to ask if I could have their sample, but I thought better !?!(Since Russel Stover already marketed The Turtle, Kilwin's had to call their chocolate piece, the Tuttle!)
                                                            "Say ICE CREAM"!
                                                     Are we going to get in line????
               NO!!!! We're just getting a sample, we'll come back later, Otis called! 

We ride our bikes back to Magnus Park, have our lunch, get Otis all excited ! All Lennie has to say is"You wanna go Otis" that dog can't jump up fast enough! Now we're driving over to Charlevoix, what we planned on doing yesterday! Charlevoix is another cute beachy, touristy town. But....of course Lennie had done research on Charlevoix & he found this CUTE little section of houses built by architect Earl Young.Between 1918 & the 1950's, Charlevoix resident & builder planted 26 homes & 4 commercial buildings into the local landscape. His whimsical buildings have been described as mushroom, hobbit, gnome, & Mother Goose houses!

                                                                     This one has a thatched roof!



Doesn't that look like Snow or frosting coming from the chimney!?!

The same builder also built another section of homes called Boulder Park. The houses were designed with different size boulders, impressive, but I liked the cute little Mushroom houses better!
No.....this is not a rabbit, or a rat, it's a BLACK squirrel! We saw these black velvety squirrels before one year when we were in Canada, they're all over here!


                                              Walking along the shops of Charlevoix

            The Marina was so beautifully inviting!       

I spied a couple of hitch hikers!

Heading back to Magnus Park. Time for dinner, dog walk & prepare for tonight's show!
            Bigger cloud bank tonight & rain is in the air....we'll see if we get to see anything....
                                                               Doesn't look real promising
                          There it goes, finally it dipped out from underneath that cloud bank....
                                                    We're going to get rain for sure!

                                                                        That's it for tonight!
Here comes the rain!!!!

Wednesday August 31, 2016-  This morning we walk together! There is a walking/bike bath goes along the Bay for MILES! (We only walk for an hour!) it's called the LTW(Little Traverse Wheelway) We've walked & biked in both directions, the direction we take this morning I think is more picturesque....
                                                                 I wanted to walk to here!
                                                 You're never alone on the path.....

                                                                                      a nice rest area
                                                                      with a walk way to the beach


                                                           Looks like we veered off the beaten path???

                                               We've reached our turn-around-point!
Check out this tree!!!!!

                                                  AAAH I see our RV!!!
                                                                                  Lennie is always ahead of me!!!

After our walk, we prepared to go do MY FAVORITE JOB.......NOT!!!! Laundry!No pictures necessary here!?! πŸ˜πŸ˜­πŸ˜•
Doing the laundry wasn't all that bad....after it was done & we took it home, we rewarded ourselves with a trip to Kilwin's!!!
                               Guess I'm happier with my choice TURTLE, than Lennie is with his????

                                                Enjoying the view while we eat dinner!
      Tonight the cloud bank was even heavier, but the sun still managed to peek through!

Day is Done!

Thursday September 1, 2016-Today  is our last day here at Magnus Park. Tomorrow we will be on our way to Cedar, Michigan to yet another park! On this morning after our walk & breakfast, we have a little surprise for Otis!!! We're going back to Charlevoix to the Farmer's Market & Otis isn't going with, because...... we're going out for lunch!
                              Charlevoix sure has a pretty location for their Farmer's Market!



Sure enough on  our way back from Charlevoix we stopped at Cormack's Deli. This place was recommended to us from our Tour Guide, Lyn at Kilwin's!

                        Lennie chose a Rachael(turkey Reuben) I chose a hot meatloaf sandwich.....
                                                              BOTH great choices!!!!

                       When we got home......someone was up on the dash watching for us!?!

Lennie gave Otis a peanut butter bone treat, those are suppose to be for special occasions, but....Lennie gave it to him, just because he probably missed us!?!

 This is the FREE city trolley that runs from Thursday-Sunday, one of the stops is here at the Park.. I don't know why we never rode it?
 While we were relaxing  Lennie noticed the Park Manager kept looking at our registration paperwork on our site??? Len finally asked the guy is something was wrong, to which he replied,"Well yes,, today is your check-out day & you have 45 minutes to pack up." WHAAAATTTT???? This was wrong, we had a week's reservation at Magnus which is up TOMORROW, not TODAY!?! Len promptly walked down to the little park gate office to get things straightened out? Don't know how they got their paper work screwed up????Well they have no computer system, but anyhow, we aren't leaving in 45 minutes, we're leaving tomorrow ! Since we aren't being forced out & this is our last day here, we walk down to the bay to see if I can find a Petoskey Stone!!! The problem when looking for this fossilized stone 350 million years old is......just about EVERY stone you pick up has some sort of nick or indention in it? They all look like the coral fossil! Point I need to make here is....every stone lying on the beach there was from Petoskey, therefore any stone would have been a "Petoskey Stone" of sorts????πŸ˜„

                         After dinner we take Otis for his potty walk, I don't want to miss the sunset!!!

                                                           Sunset was FAST tonight!


 It's soooooo cool when the whole sky is ablaze!

Little Traverse Bay at Magnus Park in Petroskey, Michigan has definitely shown us some awesome sunsets!!!

Tomorrow's checkout is 3:00pm, we will be leaving earlier than that, but not real early, we don't have too far to go to our next destination!

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