Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 26-September 1, 2016-Good-bye Cheboygan, Hello-Petoskey~Rainy day😓~Scenic Drive

Friday August 26, 2016- This morning we leave Water Ways here in Cheboygan & head to our destination of Magnus Park in Petoskey, Michigan. We have a short distance to drive so we won't be leaving here till 11:00am or so!
 Does this guy look like he's ready to roll!?! Don't let him fool you, he didn't sleep in
THAT bed all night!!!
 Loading up the bikes,we don't need to cover them, the distance we're driving, no rain in the forecast.
               I don't think Otis realizes he's not on a leash as we finish getting ready to roll???
                                                                  NOW he's ready!
                                                               Hooked up & ready to go!
                                  NOW Otis is REALLY ready to roll, he has his lap seat!!!
 We're off, it was almost 11:30am when we pulled away from Water Ways, Lennie planned it this way so lunch would be on the road!
                                                     We can see the lake as we drive....
 We barely fit in the rest area, actually it wasn't a rest area, but a park in the town of Topinabee.We had a great view as we ate our lunch, tho it doesn't show up well in this picture!!!
       After lunch as we walk Otis, look close, you can see a guy on his dock enjoying the good life!
                                                  It was definitely a pretty beach park!

                Clever sign at the gas station across the street from the park where we had our lunch.
 We have made it! Already the park looks nice! This is a City Park, Lennie made our reservations long time ago so we could have a water view!
               This is our view out the front windshield. That's Little Traverse Bay we're looking at.
                                                                            Our site
                                                Somebody else enjoying the good life!?!
I think we're going to enjoy our views here!

                                               & Otis will definitely enjoy his walks here, actually anywhere!!!!


     I think these people are looking for Petoskey Stones. I hope I can find at least one!!!

                                                                                                 SUN SET

                                         Yes!!!! I think we're going to like our views here!!!

Saturday August 27, 2106- Last night at bed time I set my alarm so I could walk with Lennie in the morning. This morning when my alarm went off....I woke up to the sound of rain, neither one of us went walking. It rains a lot in Michigan!!! After our morning "get up & get ready to go" activities, in spite of the rain we drove into the nearby town of Harbor Springs to check out their Farmer's Market!
This was a sculpture in front of  the American Legion.


                         Rain didn't seem to stop the shoppers, maybe they know their season is short here!
                                     The only other thing to do on a rainy day is.....EAT!!!
                                     I definitely wanted a PASTY before leaving Michigan!
                               They are soooo good! Especially on a damp rainy day!

Before we left, the owner took our picture to put on his Face Book page! I'm going to have to check that out!?!
 Lennie bought Otis a Peanut butter bone at the Farmer's Market & gave it to Otis when we walked in. Otis wouldn't eat it right away, noooooo first he had to roll all over it, marking it! He doesn't have to worry, neither one of us wanted that bone!
                                     Even with the rainy day we had.....our view is still nice!

        As we walk Otis, we catch the only sun of the day trying to peek out of the clouds!

                                                                Tonight's Sunset!!!

Sunday August 28, 2016-This morning, we walk together, there's a wonderful walking/bike path along Little Traverse Bay that goes on FOR MILES!!!! Unfortunately I left the camera behind as I didn't know how scenic the walk was going to be! Returning from the walk, we had our coffee & oatmeal, packed a picnic lunch & prepared to go off on a scenic drive.

                                                                 The Petoskey Marina

The Upper Crust???

                             Our drive now takes us on what is called The Tunnel of Trees
                                                         we're searching for a picnic spot....

                                                       It was quite the scenic drive!

                                      No picnic spot yet but this church was very interesting!



continuing our drive.....

        The Legs Inn.....we almost ate here, but....we have OTIS!!! I could just  taste the goulash, the restaurant is Polish!!

There's a gift shop in the restaurant, so we walked in to check out the gift shop....not really! to use the restroom & to snap some pictures. It was a beautiful old restaurant!

                             Behind the restaurant you can be seated in their Garden section.
                                                                            Would have been a nice place to eat!!!
This General Store is known for their chicken salad & Homemade pot pies. Lennie knew this ahead of time(from his researching) so when packing our lunch, we brought bread but no lunch meat cause we knew we would be stopping here for chicken salad!!! 
                                                     This finally, is our picnic spot!!!

But....no PICNIC TABLE????

From our Picnic site I can see this lighthouse!

Back on the Tunnel of Trees!

Oh....did I mention we stopped back at the General Store for one of their Pot Pies? We bought the Family Size! I'm making a salad & this is dinner!!!

Tonight's Sunset is coming to life!!!



                                              WOW!!!!! What a way to end the night!!!!


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