Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 31, 2013 What happened to the rain!?!

Last night the last thing we watched before calling it a night was the News & Weather. Today is suppose to be rainy so that's a good day to do laundry & whatever else might need to be done. Too bad it wasn't this morning that Lennie woke up to a leaky toilet valve!?! The morning is slow paced.....I never hurry on laundry day! After breakfast & dishes we take Otis for a long walk along Portage Lake, since we're going to be gone awhile with laundry etc,etc.
It's laundry day that I wish I could trade places with Otis! Don't know how good he'd do at folding the clothes tho! The laundromat is real nice, as far as laundries go! But it didn't have the price deals the last one we went to had. In was kind of pricey! But a necessary evil!
We wash,dry,fold & it's time to go! In folding our clothes, I realize I'm missing a neon green footie! I double check the dryer, not there, & someone else is already using the washers I just used??? Oh well, I learned from 2 of our grand daughters that you don't have to wear paired soxs or footies!
We don't go straight back to the RV Park as we have several other errands to run. Nothing real important, but still necessary. The frustrating part of our day is no longer the fact that we had to do's the simple fact it's already late afternoon & it's a beautiful day out! So much for the weatherman & his so called rain!!!
We got home we saw we had a new neighbor, & Otis could have had a new friend, but Otis does not play well with others....
 We take Otis for a quick walk before it's time to start dinner. Every since we checked in here, 
I've had my eyes on the red raspberries growing along the property!
I wish we were staying here longer cause some of them were looking pretty good, but the bulk of the berries are not ripe for the picking.....
Still NO RAIN, that's a good thing, Lennie's putting fish on the grill!
With dinner & dishes out of the way, we take Otis for one last walk while we wait for sunset!
Who's walking who!?!

Then sunset.....
I had to take the shot from a different site. A big  motor home moved into the site I stood in to take the other sunset snap!

It doesn't matter what the weatherman says tonight, tomorrow....RAIN or SHINE we are going sightseeing!!!

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