Friday, June 21, 2013

June 18, 2013 Destination...Colorado Springs,Colorado!

This morning there was no lingering over breakfast.We've got about a 300 mile  drive ahead of us today over to Colorado Springs! After breakfast I took Otis for his last potty walk here at he Happy Camper RV Park,
while Lennie prepared the RV for departure!
& we're off!
We hadn't gone too far down the highway when I caught this sight out the front windshield. A Hot Air Balloon ride USE to be on my bucket list, till I chicken out1 Starting hearing about too many accidents!!?!
I don't know what the event was, we only saw 2 Hot Air Balloons!!?!
We're driving once again over Wolf Creek Pass it's still smoke hazy, seems to be a little better after we get on the other side of the summit.
It's funny how quickly the terrain keeps changing from mountain scenery
to plains,
back & forth between the two!
Funny how it worked out that we reached our first rest area right at noon time! Even while watching what he eats, Lennie is still always thinking about eating!
So today's "picnic" was in the rest area. Parked next to us was a FIRE CREW bus!
We saw some of the crew members, they looked pretty rough understandably so I can't imagine the hours they've been putting in. There are several wildfires all around us. Hats off to the Firefighters!!!!
We arrive at our  destination, Mountain Dale RV park in Colorado Springs, Co.
I think it's a real nice RV Park, real rustic looking.
but Lennie isn't real happy with our site, & funny it was the only site they had left???? It was real unlevel but we finally got set-up!
We were barely set-up when   storm clouds came rolling in
& then it started to thunder, Otis was not happy with the thunder. Now this area needs rain real bad....what they don't need is lightening without he rain! Soon enough it was raining lightening & thundering, course we went inside the RV!!! Before you know it, it was hailing!!! Just pea gravel size but it kept it up along with the rain for a good 30 minutes. Just as soon as it started it was over & the sun was back out!
Hail on our doorstep!
Our camper neighbor to the right of us
our camper neighbor to the left of us
The rain was a real gully washer & we could see rain ruts everywhere! I was worried about our car shifting since there were now ruts under the car that weren't there when we parked!

Sooooo, it was a interesting first day at the RV Park!!! The only thing I'm not happy about is once again we are without cell phone & Internet service!!!
Next time we come into town I'll try to get another day caught up, in the mean time......stay tuned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW...that was some storm!!! Holy cow on the hail too. Hardly June least in the east!!! Poor Otis must have been scared with all that hail hitting the tin roof. Good thing the PT didn't gush right on down that hill!!!!
