Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 20,2013 Pikes Peak & Cripple Creek!

We're ready to get breakfast out of the way! Today these TOURIST (& dog)are going to view Pikes Peak! Breakfast is over, picnic lunch packed, dog walked, okay let's go!
We don't have a real long drive to our destination of Pikes Peak. that's how Lennie picks our RV parks, central to any sightseeing we want to do!
Pikes Peak, America's most famous mountain, is not a National park, so we're in line to pay!$!$!$
The ranger hands us our brochure & away we drive! The brochure reccommends that people drive straight to the top, then on the decent, stop & take pictures. I guess that's for traffic control???            So we'll do that!
we begin our drive!
        & we drive till we get to the top of Pikes Peak, elevation 14,110 ft!
   I can feel the difference in the elevation!!!
There's 2 ways to get to the top of Pikes Peak. Drive your car, or you can catch the cog railroad in Manitou Springs, which makes several trips a day.
                     You can't have a picnic if you choose the cog train!!!
                    The original summit house on top of Pikes Peak
While visiting Pikes Peak in 1893, poet, Katharine Lee Bates got the inspiration for the song we know as America the Beautiful!
This is the view she saw that gave her, her inspiration!
only being a poet, she penned the song in poem form & it was published in 1895 titled, PIKES PEAK! It wasn't until church organist, Samuel A. Ward put music to her poem & in 1910 Pikes Peak was republished as the song, America the Beautiful!
Times to go back down Pikes Peak so we can take some pictures!
This was the road we just drove up!!! 
                    We stopped at the half way point
for our picnic lunch!
         That table looks a little rough! As long as it holds our goodies!!! We continue our drive to the bottom, a few more photo opts before we leave the park.....
I'm glad Katharine Lee Bates poem was changed to America the Beautiful!
It truly is!!!
 We left Pikes Peak & decided to take a scenic drive. Our drive took us to Cripple Creek, Co. This was an old historic mining town.And you can still get a feel of the mining history in the town. There's a little ghost Town section. There's an old mine you can go down 1,000 feet underground! There's no gold left in this town but there's still money, if you're lucky. These historic old streets are now lined up with CASINOS just waiting for people to try their luck!!!
We didn't throw any money away in the casinos, but I did browse through some of the shops!
Lennie said he waited long enough...time to go back to the RV for dinner!
After dinner I tried again to get that spectacular fireball red sunset, but it just won't show up on the camera!?!
                                             Oh well....I tried!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The guy behind you at Pikes Peak looks like he's about to fall off the earth LOL. The view up there is amazing isn't it?!! Great shot of the windy road too. That pic of Lennie 'waitin' on a woman' is too funny.
