Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 3, 2013 Mesa Verde National Park.....with Otis!

This morning after our regular breakfast routine we just knew we were going to go see "something"! After we packed our picnic lunch walked Otis we got in the car for our "auto" tour of Mesa Verde National park!
We didn't have to drive far, 7 miles from our RV park before we were at the park.
We like National Parks! $$$$$
The Scenery is different that what we were seeing in Utah, but it's still beautiful in it's own way. I think each state has it's own natural beauty, you just have to look for it!
& every time I get out to take a picture I have to "fight" with Otis to get my seat back!
                         But one thing we don't fight over is the picnic!
                               "Did you pack something for me mom!?!"
After our lunch we continue our drive through the park. Within the park you will find Ancient Ruins of the Ancestral Puebloan people. This archaeological preserve is the nation's largest & features 4,000 known archaeological sites,
 including 600 cliff dwelling
You can take Ranger Guided tours of some of the Cliff Dwellings, we plan to do this on Thursday when Otis is taking a Time-Out at the RV!?!
Today we were standing at the platform where the tour meets. We wanted to watch the people's reaction as they returned from the tour, to see if they were sweating bullets & huffing & puffing!?! I think we might be "too old" for this tour??? I'm going to count the steps, if I survive!
Time to head back to the RV. After dinner we're going to see another attraction in town (Cortez) I'm not sure if pictures are allowed or not?????
We went to the Cortez Cultural Center where Monday through Saturday you can watch Native American Indians perform their Native dances.
The mural on the center's wall was painted by a 70 yr old retired  former history teacher. Tonight's performance was the Naatsiiliid Dancers a Navajo dance group. The dancers performed traditional dances including, the Ribbon Sash , the Basket & the Indian 2-step!?!
At the end of their performance, the dancers selected people from the audience to join in performing the Indian 2-step!
I am soooooo glad NOT to be chosen! Otis was allowed at the & he seemed to enjoy the performance!?!
                                               I know we did!
At the end of the performance, the audience was encouraged to come talk & take pictures of the dancers. I wanted to take a picture of "Madison" the newest member of the dance team!
                                                It was a good day!

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