Friday, June 28, 2013

June 25, 2013 Leaving Mountain Dale.......

This morning we leave Colorado Springs & Mountain Dale RV Park our destination is Idaho Springs & Cottonwood RV Park. It's only about a 2 hour drive so we're not rushing. We don't have a early take off, good, we can linger over breakfast! After breakfast we each have certain jobs to do getting the RV ready to depart! I take Otis for his last potty walk while Lennie is finishing up on the outside.
Otis really liked the dog park at Mountain Dale.
Lennie finally admitted taht he did like the Mountain Dale RV park & even our site wasn't so bad once we got it leveled up. When we checked in, we were told that was the only spot available??? I think they catered to regular weekender & I think they were depending on a full RV park but the nearby wildfires, I'm sure kept the would be campers away, the smoke was so thick, not to mention the major highway closed becaue of the fires?????At any rate, westill enjoyed the park, but now it's time to move on.....
Hey, looks like Lennie is done on the outside, time to bring the slides in! I said we each have jobs we do....except Otis, he just waits till we're ready to roll!
& now...we're ready to roll! Wait a minute.....who's driving this rig!?!
After an exchange of drivers, we leave Mountain Dale & head north down Hwy 25. We're on our way to Idaho Springs, like I said only about a 2 hour drive. During our drive we pass through a town named Castle Rock. I wonder how they came up with that name!?!
            This year we have certainly had a road trip full of scenery!!
Soon enough we arrive in Idaho Springs at Cottonwood RV Park!
Cottonwood RV Park is NOT your "typical" RV Park!?! I feel it's someone's property that they are 
using to make extra income. Check out the office!

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