Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 8th-June 13,2013 Blogging without internet service???

This weeks blog was not be posted daily due to NO internet service when we arrived at our next RV Park in Vallecito Lake, Colorado.
On June 8th after our regular morning routine, we readied ourselves to leave Mesa Verde RV Park heading to our next destination.
Even Otis seemed ready to go (he was thinking about those lap miles!)

We didn't drive too far to our next Colorado location, Vallecito Lake, less than 100 miles. It was a scenic drive & a real resort-like area.
We are staying at the Blue Spruce RV Park
Not only is the park full of Blue Spruce Trees(I wondered where they got the name from!?!) but also Cottonwood trees. When the wind is blowing it looks like a light snow storm taking place from all the cottonwood fluff!
This is a real nice park in a real nice area, but shortly after checking in we discovered they had a real internet problem! How am I suppose to blog without internet!?! Between all the trees & mountains we had no cell service or internet service. The manager told us they were working on the internet problem so I have no choice but to wait & see!?!
Internet service came back on June 13th. Now I am playing Blog Catch-Up!!!
Sso the days prior to internet service we kept ourselves busy sightseeing. Not our usual sightseeing, no National Parks this time just the local scenery & like I said this area is very resort-like.

There are two historic mining towns within driving distance, with a packed picnic lunch we set out to see them. I had BAD NEWS for Otis! I was tired of him riding on my lap, trying to get in & out of the car to take pictures, trying to remind myself he is the family dog!!!! Sooooo we brought Otis' bed from the RV & put it in the back of the car.
He was highly insulted, he even cried, but finally gave in to his fate & we began our drive down the scenic Hwy 550 also known as the Million Dollar Hwy.The road had more switchbacks then I've ever seen! Not to mention the mountain scenery, cascading waterfalls, it was definitely a "Million Dollar" ride!
We arrived in the mining town of Silverton. Founded in 1875, now home to around 500 residents. This town offers lovely shops,restaurants,a historic train depot & is one of the best extreme ski areas in the country.
It also had the perfect picnic area for 2 hungry people & their dog. Otis was happy to come out of the back seat!!!

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