Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 23, 2013 Stocking up!

Yesterday was Otis' day(Camping World)
Today is our day! But after our regular breakfast routine when we told Otis he was staying at the RV, he didn't even act like he cared!!!!
Today we're going to Colorado Springs Flea Market & I hope to find some sort of treasure!
We're not really looking for anything in particular, tho Lennie is hoping to find a hat! This Flea Market, if it doesn't have anything else, it does have a view!
WE look at EVERYTHING & Lennie did spy a hat he thinks he wants but doesn't want to pay the price so he thinks if he keeps shopping he might find another hat, cheaper???
We saw other hats, but not like the first hat so we're going back so he can rethink the cost! $$$$$$
aah, there's the hats....& he's thinking, if he tries it on, the man has a sale!?!
                                    SOLD!!!!! One Happy Customer!
After fun at the Flea Market, Lennie was the only one going home with a treasure! Now we head to Sams Club to stock up on food supplies. This is necessary, but not fun!
After that shopping, back to the RV & Otis & a chance to relax! Tomorrow is another day!

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