Wednesday, July 13, 2016

July 7-July 9, 2016-Back in Illinois~Belvidere Park,Sycamore Speedway-Reese's Birthday/Graduation Party & sleepover!

July 8, 2016 -This too is a day we had planned before we left Illinois for we are going to Sycamore Speedway with Guy ,Stacy & all the kids!This must be the weekend to hang out with "the exes"!?! This morning, before I even got out of bed....Lennie was already gone to Oswego to help, or maybe supervise πŸ˜‰ on some much needed deck work at Tammy's place! I take this opportunity to sleep in a little as the grand kids wore me out at Magic Waters! It is really hot out today! I was going to do laundry while Lennie was doing deck work, but I think not!!!! Stacy mentioned going to the park today......I think I'll do that, sounds like more fun than doing laundry! Lennie & I rode through Belvidere park, very briefly so I' anxious to see more of the park! I rode my bike over to Stacy's, less than a 10 minute bike ride, that's how close they are to our RV Park!!! Everyone was ready to go to the park!
It's a real nice park.....big too!

We were at a picnic table enjoying the view when I got a picture text from the "work crew" in Oswego!!!
Len hard at work!
Even BRETT tried his hand at the pressure washer! Today they were just cleaning the deck, it has to dry overnight before the actual staining. It'll be awhile before Lennie comes back to the RV Park so we just continued to enjoy Belvidere Park!

Swinging Bridge that I didn't want anyone to bounce or jump while we were crossing it!

Aren't we cute!?!
We left the park, & rode over to the Splash Pad. We didn't know ahead of time that we were going to go to the Splash Pad so the kids weren't in their suits, but they still managed to have a good time cooling off in the process!

The Splash Pad is FREE to enjoy & where was this kind of fun when I was a kid or even when I was raising kids????
Well.....we better head for home, it's time to grab some dinner & get ready to go to Sycamore Speedway!!!!🚘 Back at the RV Park Lennie is not home yet but a message on my phone tells me he's on his way! Trinity calls, she & Ryne are going to ride with us, the rest of them....we'll meet at the Speedway!Friday night is more fun at the track than Saturday! They have more going on that just straight racing, they have Powder Puff, Figure 8, One on One &.....DEMOLITION DERBY!!!! AAAAH Lennie's home! He grabs a quick shower, after all that hard workπŸ˜‚, we eat, pick up Trinity & Ryne & we're off to the races!!!!
                                                               Always a fun time!
                                                                  The gang's all here!
Before the races start, the Pace car drives around the track with the American Flag & a recording of The Star Spangled Banner plays. For some reason the music & song didn't kick in????The Pace car kept waiting, finally the SPECTATORS started singing & the pace car proceeded! I thought that was soooo cool & soooooo AMERICAN!!!!
                                                                   Let's go Racing!!!!

 We saw a car roll over 3 times before it stopped!!! The driver walked away MAD but NOT hurt!!!!

      Time for One on One....The car on the outside belongs to Ben, a friend of Guy & Stacy
 This was Ben doing a burn out after he won the One on One. Mind you this is the car he drove to the track! It could have had a completely different outcome!!!
                                          Here comes Ben back to stands with his trophy!!!
                                                                    Figure 8 Race
                                                                           Standing by......

                                                      And last.....Demolition Derby!
Guy & Stacy with a proud Ben!!!
It was fun! Now the drive home, it'll be midnight by the time we get home....& tomorrow is another day!
Saturday July 9, 2016- Today is our last day in Illinois for this season! We have one last "BIG DAY" planned. Today is the day Roda is having a 18th birthday/Graduation Party for Reese. On the 12th of July Reese leaves for Laos on a work mission through the program Rustic Pathways. I think it's a great opportunity for Reese, but......right now with so much terrorism going on it makes me nervous that he's going so far away. I know....a terrorist can get you in your own back yard.....
We're not going to know anyone at Roda's party for Reese, other than of course Reese, Roda & her husband Ray & we don't really know him......good thing some of our grand kids will be in attendance!

Turns out we did know someone else at the party, Roda's Uncle Carl & he sat & ate with us. No one else knew us, & no one else spoke to us!!!!

Time for cake!
Time for pictures....

Time for gifts....
& time to go!!!!

                                                               Too much party for Zach!?!
Back at the RV Park....since it's our last night in Illinois we told Dylan & Zach they could spend the night in the RV with us! Courtney & Joe, Trinity & Ryne came over for Smores & one more hot dog cook out! Ryne was keeping an eye on Kayden & Blake while Trinity was at the party with us, they came too for the last cookout......!

                                                            Definitely a CHICAGO sports fan!

                                          The kids had a blast playing in the swimming lake!

                                        Even Blake, tho he didn't go too far from the shore!!!
                                          " Hey!!!!! Shut the door we're gonna rinse off!?!"
                              Joe brought his dog, Tiger & Otis seemed happy to have a friend!!!
                                                 STREAKING!?! good thing he's only 3!!!!
                                                        Time for hot dogs & or smores!!

                                                   My hot dog was cooked JUST RIGHT!!!!
                                                                            Fun for all!!!!
Perfect ending to a fun filled day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. With all the fun ur having why would u want to leave Illinois! ?
