Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 27, 2016-July 30, 2016-Still in Minnesota~first things first....Alternator~Scenic ride/dinner at church~Duluth~Waterfalls & PIE!

Wednesday July 27, 2016- This morning we leave Town & Country RV Park. Our destination is Duluth, Minnesota but first....we have to stop in Blaine, Minnesota to take care of our Alternator problem!
 It is 6:08 am & we are connecting at the main entrance of Town & Country RV Park preparing to take off!
                                                                     & we're off!!!

                     If this doesn't look like a RV Park, it's not it's our repair destination! I-Truck in Blaine.
 Otis doesn't care if it's a RV Park or a Repair Shop, it means the same thing to him.....all new smells!

And as long as the lounge is Pet Friendly & Lennie has someone to "BS" to.....  Now we wait.....While we waited the mechanic came in to give Lennie his opinion of our situation. Maybe it isn't the alternator after all??? After some "mechanic talk" back & forth the mechanic left & we continued waiting! FIVE  hours later we are leaving I-Truck with a new alternator & 2 new batteries & a hole in Len's wallet! $$$$$  Otis & I go out to the RV while Lennie pays the bill, we didn't want to watch a grown man cry!😭
                                                                         "Where's Dad?"
                                                         "Mom...Is Dad coming with us?"
                                                       On the road again, & raining.....
                                                 Trust me, that sign reads: DULUTH!
 We had to pull into a rest area for awhile. Not so much because of the rain, the wind picked up rocking the bus!
                             Sooooooo we're watching the rain & having a little lunch snack!
    We're not the only ones who pulled in out of the rain & wind. this was a woman by herself.....
                                                 The wind died down & we're off again!
                                   OOOOOH.....there goes that lady, passing us right on by!
                                                                      Almost there!
                                                      & LOOK!!!! It's cleared up!!!!!
                                                                    Hello Big City!
                                                        Nice ride into the campgrounds!
                                                                        We're here!
                                                       This is a CAMPGROUNDS?????
                                                     Our site for the next 4 days!!!
Thursday-July 28, 2016- This morning Lennie takes his usual morning walk but something is different this morning!!!! He's wearing sweatpants! Yep! It's crisp out. That heat wave was miserable, but.....I would like it just a little warmer! I guess we're never satisfied!?! Our stay here is a relaxing mode! Just some nice scenic drives that include a picnic lunch along the way!

                                                            Two Harbors Light House
                                                                  Lake Superior
Otis is with us so we don't walk out to the end(we're trying to watch his walking!) but the camera lens still captures the view.

                                                   Oh boy!!! The fun part of our day!!!

                                                   Lake Superior in the background....

Heading back to the RV now.....
We got back to the campgrounds & discovered we have a new neighbor! I didn't want to be seen taking this picture, but I had to have it!!! This big German Shepherd sitting in the lounge chair!!! I thought the dog was sitting there just while the owners were setting up their site, but noooooooo! there's only 2 adults there & 3 chairs & any time you look out, that dog is lounging in "HIS CHAIR!!! Talk about a dog's life! I hope Otis doesn't see this he'll want his own chair too!?!

We came back to the campground to feed & potty Otis. When we checked in yesterday the owner told us about a local church, Two Harbors United Church, in town that has benefit dinners on the weekend. This dinner was going to be followed by a concert at the band shell in the adjacent park. That sounds like a good idea, sorry Otis, it's pet friendly but you're not crowd friendly!!

 The dinner tonight was Turkey Enchiladas!The server asked me if I wanted one or two!?! Silly girl!!!

 Funny she didn't ask Lennie how many he wanted they just gave him two! While we were eating we over heard conversation from the next table. They were from St Charles, Illinois! We told them we were just in St Charles for Reese's graduation! Turns out they are staying at the same campgrounds we are!
After our dinner, we had a little time to spare before the concert starts, so we drive back to Two Harbors Light House, without Otis we can walk to the end of the pier!

 Wonder what's going on!?! A lady, with her young grandson, wanted to have a GROUP ROCK THROW??? Why not!?! Later we saw them at the concert!

                                                           Now the entertainment!
                                                    This band shell was build in July 1910!
                                                          They had a nice turnout!
                                    We assumed the band members were all local townsfolk?
                                   They were very professional, even wore band uniforms!
                                They had a special guest who played the Scottish bagpipes. 

By now the sun had set & the Minnesota air was quite crisp, we had shorts on so we were ready to leave! Even the FREE Ice Cream they served during the concert couldn't sway us to stay once that sun went down! Most people had lap blankets with them. You could tell we were the new kids on the block!
Friday July 29, 2016-  Today is another one of those leisurely days of a nice scenic drive with a picnic. We pack our lunch & head off to see some of Duluth's vistas. Oh....& let me tell you the weather is wonderful! A few weeks before we came to the Duluth area, Duluth had, had a bad storm. In our drive into Duluth we could see a great deal of downed trees, now cut up on the curb. 
 Approaching downtown Duluth & they have a BIG downtown! Duluth has a population of over 86 thousand.

 Our picnic lunch today was at a rest area on Skyline Parkway scenic drive. Not for convenience, but the view!
                                                This is the view from the rest area!
                                                               Still from the rest area!
                            Everyone watches as the bridge goes up for boats to pass under!
                  Last time we were here a few years back we watched a big freighter pass!
                                                                    BIRD ISLAND!?!

                                                               Duluth has some hills!
 Lennie & Otis waiting on a bench, we don't want to over walk Otis he's doing so good on his bum leg!

Heading back to the Campgrounds.
When we got back to the campgrounds, that German Shepherd & it's owners were all sitting outside in THEIR chairs!!! I need to get a group picture!!! Tomorrow is a bike ride, sorry Otis I have a feeling you won't be joining us on our picnic lunch!?!
Saturday July 30, 2016- Another day of casual sightseeing, this time Otis is going to wait like a "BIG BOY" at the RV! Len & I head out  shortly after breakfast & Otis has been walked & pottied. He's not happy but he'll get over it!?!
                                              Our first stop, the Farmer's Market in Duluth
                                                       Hmmmmm, not much here????
             Oh-Oh.....Otis isn't going to be happy, this Farmer's Market was dog friendly!
      Looks like it was small pony friendly too!  This dog is a Newfoundland & weighed 173 pounds!

Next stop lunch!!!! Lennie has done his research & lunch today(not a picnic) but a Guy Fieri restaurant! Gannucci's Market! Yummm! I love Italian, among others!!

                             When you first walk in, you feel like you're in a grocery store!
                        Then you take a seat in the dining room you think you're in Italy!
                                                     Look who came to entertain us!!!

                                   Mark this restaurant as one we'll definitely come back to!

We have some errand to run before we actually start our sight seeing! After running our errands, since we will be going by the Campgrounds Lennie wants to check in on Otis......that's so pathetic!😩 Now Otis is really excited, now he thinks he's going with us! Sorry Otis, we'll be back in a bit....& sooooo, we leave him again! Now we're heading to Gooseberry Falls State Park! Located 13 miles northeast of Two Harbors.
                                        We've been here before, definitely worth repeating!
                                   Our first view & we haven't even gotten to the Falls yet!

 It's not just NATURAL Waterfalls......
                                                                       it's a NATURAL Swimming hole to many!
                                                                  Oh to be young again!

                                            One last breath taking view of Gooseberry Falls
I can't believe I didn't take a picture of all the MANY STEPS we had to walk up & down to view the falls!?! (One reason we didn't bring Otis) One last view. this is from the top of the falls, you can't even tell there are waterfalls cascading below! In the background is Lake Superior. We were going to park our car, then ride our bikes! I'm glad we changed our minds on that one!!!

                                              How do you end a afternoon of sight seeing????
Okay....this works for me!

                                                                          We order......
Lennie had Carmel Apple
I had.....TURTLE COCONUT!!!!

I guess Lennie was feeling guilty about leaving Otis twice so how does he end our day!?!
                                                "ONE PLAIN MCDOUBLES PLEASE....."
        Let me make sure they got Otis' order right, Otis doesn't like ketchup & pickles!!!
                                          's right, going home to Otis!
                                                     One HAPPY/SPOILED Dog!!!!

Wait a minute, check out our neighbor again, maybe Otis isn't all that spoiled!?!

Tomorrow we pull out!


  1. Beautiful photos. Are you sure that "Newfie" isn't a BEAR??? Look at those feet!!!

  2. Maybe it was a bear, at any rate I would hate to have to feed that animal! At one point that Newfie & a black Lab came face to face, & even the Lab respected the size of the Newfie & stood behind it's master!!!!

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