Thursday, July 7, 2016

June 29-July 5, 2016-Still in Wisconsin~What a difference a day makes!~A U-TURN???

Tuesday July 5, 2016- This morning, even tho Lennie is still bummed out over the loss of his bike....we have planned a picnic to Lower Cato Falls County Park. Maybe a picnic will cheer him up??? I make our lunch as Len takes Otis out to potty.Before we head out, we take another ride to the "scene of the crime." We drive slowly by the Museum & as we're driving by the bar next to the Museum I see a bike leaning on the garbage dumpster? "Stop Lennie, back up....." All I can see is the back fender, it's a black fender, as is Lennie's. We stop our car jump out & ta-daaaaaa!!!! IT IS LENNIE'S BIKE!!!! Above the bar is a rooming house, The Waverly House, perhaps the thief lives above the bar? He must be a short thief too as he had lowered Lennie's seat all the way down!There was no question the bike was Len's, there aren't any other red & black Del Rio bikes out there sporting antique Red Crown air caps!!!I couldn't take a picture yesterday at the Museum when Len's bike was stolen, but today when he was retrieving it.....I snapped a picture! We couldn't believe our luck!!!
First we stopped in at the Museum & told them we recovered the bike. Our camping neighbor is a volunteer at the museum. She made LOST BIKE fliers for us! To think the bike was right next door to the museum!!! Next we went to the Police Station, only 2 blocks away, to let them know WE found the bike. The Officer thought Lennie left the bike & wanted them to assist him in recovering it but nooooooo Lennie wasn't taking any chances on leaving his bike for another minute! He walked out to our car & wanted Lennie to verify it was his bike.....Lennie pointed to the Red Crown air caps, tho I think the officer was too young to know what they were.... 😉 he told us  he was glad we got the bike back! 
                                         NOW we can go on our picnic! And so we're off!!!

It was a nice drive to the park, especially after rescuing Len's bike!

What we didn't know about this park, it's also a DISC GOLF Course, I have seen disc golf courses before but not really sure what DISC GOLF is???
                                      Anyhow....we're here for the picnic & the water falls!

                                                 We had to go looking for the waterfalls!
A family was there playing DISC golf, & he explained it briefly to me. Sounded like Golf with Frisbees????

                                                      Oh nooooo, don't tell me......steps!


                                                    There they are, Cato Lower Falls
                                                      Wonder what hides in the caves!?!

                                                                Look! I took a selfie!!!

                                                                          Going Up??
                                                           If Otis can do it, so can I!!!!

Time to go back to the RV Park, tomorrow we're leaving, now we go home to put all our stuff away. Besides I think Lennie's bike missed my bike! We need to show my bike that Len's bike survived! I hope his bike doesn't tell my bike that he got to go on the picnic!?!🚴
When we see our camping neighbor, Len goes out to tell the neighbor about finding his bike! She's sooooo happy for him! She plans to make a sign to put up by the bike rack at the museum, LOCK YOUR BIKES! We were sooooo surprised when his bike was stolen but even MORE surprised to get it back!

Wednesday July 6, 2016- We are heading back to Illinois!!!! Just briefly, mainly to attend Reese's Graduation/Birthday party over to Roda's house. We might be a little nervous partying at the exes!?!

                                                      There are 2 bikes under there!!!!
                                                                       Hooking up!
                                                               One last look around!
 "Good-bye Two Rivers. "Someone" in your town wasn't very nice & tried to ruin our time spent here, but luckily it had a happy ending, we'd come back again, we now know we have to lock our bikes !!!!
                                                          Oh Yeah.....we're on the road!

                                      aaaaaah, that's better, looks like smooth sailing now!

                                                  Soon enough we leave the interstate.....
                                                         For the country scenery......

                                                                 Looks like we're here!!!

                                                        Back in Garden Prairie, Illinois

                                        Lennie changes the oil in the car while I start dinner.
       After dinner we decided to ride our bikes over to Trinity's apartment(5 minutes away!)She wasn't home! We rode over to Stacy & Guys to touch base, as tomorrow is going to be a big day!!!

                                         Back at the RV park....Lennie locks our bikes!!!


Big Day Tomorrow!!!!


  1. So glad eagle eye Wendy spotted the bike. Sorry some people are so mean but it had a happy ending for the bike and for Lennie....Maybe an ice cream would be in order for celebration, of course a Mcdouble for Otis....

  2. So happy Lennie found his bike. You should've gone upstairs to the rooming house and banged on all the doors until u found the short scoundrel who stole ur bike and given him a piece of ur mind & bring the local officer with u!
