Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 17-July 21, 2016-Still in Minnesota~Faribult repair?~On to Prior Lake~Mall of America~Maintenance day~

Sunday July 17, 2016- OMG!!!!! Our last night in Lanesboro was a real nightmare......for Otis anyhow! Sometime after midnight it started raining.....HARD, with strong winds & LOUD thundering & lightening. Otis just couldn't handle it. He's still sleeping with us, because he's still limping๐Ÿ˜– but even if he wasn't, he'd been in our bed because of the storm! Otis is Lennie's dog until it comes to a storm or firecracker & then he can't get enough of me!?!He's like second skin! He was besides me, on my pillow, trying to get behind my back, burrowing under the covers, poor dog, there was just no reassuring him that everything was going to be okay......I was thinking about going out to the couch just so I could get some sleep but he finally relaxed!
                                                                         Get Ready......
                                                                           Get Set......
                                                    Here we go.....down that country road!

                                    Can you imagine riding a bike up or down this road????
                                     Okay....time to get on the Interstate & make some time!

                                                                 The good thing is.....
                                                    Even tho we're on the Interstate,
                                                         The Country is still around us!
                                                                    We're almost there!
                                                                       We're here!
                                                 Len, checking out our "CAMPSITE'!

                                                Obviously this is NOT our destination!
We are here at ABC Bus for a possible Alternator repair? It isn't open right now, today being Sunday, we have a 7:30 am Monday morning appointment, not sure what we'll do the rest of the day & night, but we'll definitely be the first ones here in the morning!!!
Poor Otis, he didn't get much sleep last night because of the storm, he's trying to make up for it now!

Monday July 18, 2016-  Since our appointment is at 7:30 am that means I have to wake up & be ready for the day much earlier than I want too!!! Needless to say, Lennie took his regular morning hour walk! He's so regimented!
                        We're sitting in Coach having coffee watching everyone come to work!
                                                Now Lennie is talking to "our mechanic"
                                                 The mechanic is pulling our coach out......
                                                                & pulling it into the bay.....

Otis, waiting like a good boy! We wait & wait & wait & 4 hours later we learn, they don't have a Alternator for us!!!! They can put a rebuilt on tomorrow, but we already have a rebuilt Alternator on & look where that's gotten us!?! Besides, another night in ABC Bus parking lot???? I don't think so!?! We are heading on to our destination of Prior Lake & Dakota Meadows Casino & RV! We have to make a decision about the Alternator, but it doesn't have to be done today! So we're off!
 It was just a short distance from Faribault to Prior Lake. That's good in case we have to return for the Alternator???

We have arrived, we've been here before, it's a nice RV Park. Casino too but the only reason we went to the casino was for a FREE coke!!!
                     The RV Park has an on site Truck/Car wash! That's first on the agenda!

 Otis didn't have to wait inside the coach, I should have left him in there to see if he'd bark at the water wands when Lennie was controlling them? Instead we had to feed the tokens to the machine!
                                                                        All set up!
 You can see the Casino from our RV site. If you want to go to the Casino, no problem, just call the office & they will send a courtesy bus to come & get you!
            The Casino/RV Park is American Indian owned & yes you can get a Tee Pee site!
                                                     Otis didn't want a Tee Pee site!
          Otis' favorite part of RV Parks mean new SMELLS for him to sniff out!!!
                                                                   Night times falling......

Tuesday- July 19, 2016-  Funny....our traveling goal when we leave Florida each year is to go somewhere cooler for the summer months. We could have stayed in Florida the weather here in Minnesota is hotter than Florida, the good thing is, the weather will change in Minnesota sooner than it will in Florida!Today was way too warm to do anything! Our original plans was to do some bike riding while here. Any bike riding today would lead to a heat stroke!We sat outside reading in the shade till we were forced inside by the heat!
Later Lennie & Otis went outside to grill pork chops for our dinner. He's getting a Florida weather report from home!

             During Otis' last potty break for the night Len calls me outside to check out the full moon!
                                     Tomorrow is suppose to be just as warm if not warmer!?!๐ŸŒž
Wednesday July 20, 2016- This morning the weather man said DANGEROUS RECORD HIGH HEAT FOR MINNESOTA, we definitely chose the wrong time to come here!?! Nothing we can do about the weather except try to make the best of it.....It's been decided today would be a good day to walk around The Mall of America! There's only 2 reasons why Lennie likes to go to the Mall of America, actually only ONE MAIN reason, but we'll throw lunch in there as another reason, & his #1 reason to go to the Mall of America is.....THE PEEPS STORE!!!!
               First thing we do is make note of just where we are parked....this is a huge mall!

   Okay...we know where we parked, I even wrote it down! Did someone mention lunch at the mall???
                                   Here's our "Picnic" spot today, the Food Court at the mall!

                                        These characters are all constructed from LEGOS!

                                               There's an amusement park inside the mall
This is a first for me! Not only is this a Bridal gown & accessory shop....they have a chapel & YOU CAN GET MARRIED AT THE MALL!!!! I suppose after your Mall Wedding, you could go to the Food Court for your reception!?!

              I think I can her Lennie's heart beating as we get closer to the PEEPS Store!!!

                      You know that expression: LIKE A KID IN A CANDY STORE????๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’—
                                                                Here's "THAT KID"!!!!
                                         The only purchase we made today was his PEEPS!
This my friends is a TORTURE CHAMBER! You can't tell by looking at it what it is, but once you sit in it, you think you're going to get an All-Over Massage, but you sit there all relaxed, that chair grabs ahold of your muscles & starts kneading them with a death grip. You can't escape from the chair either! I hollered to Len, who was controlling the chair remote (my mistake) to set me free from that Hell Chair!!!! I think he could have set me free quicker than he did if he wasn't laughing so hard????? If any of you are interested in your own personal TORTURE CHAMBER, you can purchase it at Brookstone. At this point.....I am definitely ready to leave the mall!

                  I was glad to get home.....
& Otis was glad to have us home!!!!
Thursday July 21, 2016- Last night we had storms so we had a dog seeking reassurance! Today is another HOT day!!!! We can't hang out at the Mall everyday!!! Tomorrow we move, only a few miles down the road!There's a big Rib Fest here this weekend, the RV park is booked full. I hope for the people's sake they get a break in the weather.Too hot to do anything today, but we did have some Maintenance chores to take care of!?! Lennie washed the car up at the RV Car wash. Me & Otis stayed in the comfort of the A/C!!! After lunch we took the car to have the tires rotated, afterwards Lennie & I went to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt! See what I mean by a"MAINTENANCE" day!?!

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