Monday, July 4, 2016

June 29-July 5, 2016- Still in Wisconsin-Biking along Lake Michigan~Bike theft on the 4th of July!

Sunday July 3, 2016-This morning....another beautiful day! We are going to go on a bike ride but first.....breakfast of pancakes out on the picnic table!

                                                Yes I'm still in my's that early!!!

                                                            Who wants a pancake!?!

                                                     Too many cooks spoil the pot?????
                 Breakfast is over, dishes are done, Otis has been it's bike time!
             Today we take the beach path along Lake Michigan! We will ride to Manitowoc a distance of 6 miles then return.......
                                                        Look at all those GULLS!!!!!
                                    A little boy ran into the sitting Gulls to make them fly!
 Where does this guy fit into our ride along the lake! We had to go off the lake front for a few blocks. Lennie spotted this solar turtle during his morning walks & wanted to show it to me. It's a law in Two Rivers NO BIKE RIDING on the sidewalks! So those couple of blocks we had to ride in the streets, a bit scary! Good thing we wear bike helmets!?!

                                               Now we're back on the bike/walking trail
 You might think this is going to be a wimpy ride, a nice paved path. The distance is the same as our other bike ride, 6 miles & back, my knees love this path so much better than the rustic trail!
                                         I was wondering if we were going to take a break!?!

                                                 "No Man is an Island, Entire of Itself".......
                                                                   Manitowoc's skyline

                                   We made it!!! 6 miles & my knees aren't even groaning!!!
                                          Lennie said NO STOPPING on the ride back!?!
                                               Now we've made it back to Two Rivers!
                                                  Once in Two Rivers we do stop!!!!
                                  At the Ice Cream Shop that made Two Rivers famous!!!!
                                                                   Making a decision!
                                                     "Oh Boy're looks good!"
                                                         "Here comes mine!"
                                      See my full belly!?! AAH, the pause that refreshes!!!

 You can take a tour with a Volunteer of this historic ice cream shop, which we will do later, but right now.....Otis called!
 The Fountain Jerk asked Lennie if he wanted a glass of water, I guess Len wanted to do it himself!?!
This building is for sale $65,000. I don't know if this sign is part of the package???

                                                  Back at the RV Park spoiling Otis.
                                       One of the other campers here decided to go fishing
 This guy is brave out there on those docks!?! It must be safer than it looks otherwise they would have a sign posted???
So brats on the grill tonight with Vidalia pickle relish. Small local fire works have been going off all early evening, Otis is a nervous wreck!🎇🎆🎇
                                Otis hiding in the bathroom so the fireworks can't get him!
Sunset is approaching....this time I venture out on the fishing/boat docks!

AAAAAH!!!! Another great sunset!
Monday July 4, 2016- Happy Birthday America!!!🎇🎇🎆Today is a day of celebration & I have good reason to celebrate!!!! This morning when Lennie was out walking....he decided to bring home a breakfast bakery goodie! He's a good man, I don't care what anyone says!!!!

This is NOT helping me, but it is OH SO YUMMY!!!!

Today is going to be a day of relaxation because poor Otis has the Firecracker Blues!
Look at Otis, you'd think he just ate a sweet roll too! We take him out to potty, then give him the bad news.....& get the bikes out.
This morning we are going to ride back over to the Ice Cream shop to go through the Museum.
We park our bikes in the bike rack & go inside!

The Washington House, now known as the Washington Museum, was built in 1850 as a hotel. It was also a working man's boarding house & saloon with a dance hall upstairs.Over the years the building sat empty & was destined to die when it became so deteriorated. This building was scheduled for demolition in 1990.The building was bought by the Historical Society & saved from becoming yet another parking lot! It is still a works in progress & will expand as more photos & other memorabilia are donated. All the contents of the Museum have been donated by residence of Two Rivers. It's a self guided tour after one of the volunteers gives you a little history of the Washington House!

                   You could look at everything & tough anything, take all the pictures you wanted!

                            A lady donated her Norman Rockwell collection to the museum......
This Christmas tree NEVER comes down. It is a Christmas tree with pictures of Two Rivers military residence that lost their lives from the Civil War to current.......

View of the ball room which can be rented by the public for Wedding receptions. piano recitals, such things as that.

                             Some of the murals painted on the ceiling.The artist was unknown.

There  was sooooo much stuff to look at, & we took our time enjoying all the memories!
And now.....the replica of Ed Berner's Ice Cream Parlor!!!Once a tailor's shop, now the parlor as Berner's building, was torn down in 1979. The ice cream sundae was invented at Ed Berner's ice cream parlor in 1881. We had one scoop of ice cream before leaving to go back to Otis!

Well......maybe we shouldn't have had that one scoop of ice cream cause while we were inside enjoying the museum & the ice cream....."someone" was outside STEALING Lennie's bicycle!!!! (NO PICTURES HERE!) We went back inside the museum & stated our loss, not expecting them to be able to do anything about it.....just needed to tell someone! One of the volunteers told us the Police station was just a block away, off we went! Lennie told me to ride on back to the RV park for Otis' sake while he made the police report. I rode off like a big girl until I realized I didn't really know where I was going!!!!After riding down a few dead end streets I decided I needed to ask someone for help! i didn't have my cell phone with me so I couldn't even call Len for help!?! I saw a lady getting in her car, as I approached her car, her window was down, I asked her if she could help me with directions!!! All I knew is I was looking for a main type of street that had a cemetery .I told her the name of the RV Park, she got her cell phone out to call her husband, just then a Police Car pulled up besides me!!!! It was Lennie in the back seat of the Police SUV!!! He was getting an Official ride back to the campgrounds! I hated to tell him in front of the 2 officers that I got lost......He thanked the Officers for the ride & we walked the rest of the way home together! I should have taken a picture of Lennie in the police vehicle!!!
When we got back to the RV Park, the lady camping next to us, saw us walking ONE BIKE & asked what happened???? Turns out, she's a Volunteer at the Ice Cream shop & was getting ready to go work her shift! She made a couple of Flyers to post at the ice cream shop! That was nice of her since it was our first conversation with her! Lennie put MY BIKE away....

                                                      ONE is the loneliest Number............
             For the rest of 4th of July Celebration.....we're having steak on the grill, this is a real treat!
                                                        Preparing to marinate the steaks!
                                                          Hours later.....grilling the steaks!!!!
                                                            Now eating the steaks!!!!
                       I walk out on the fishing dock to see if I can capture the fireworks.

 It wasn't easy for me to try & catch the firework going off right at the right moment!!!
Otis being reassured while I was out taking pictures. He'll be glad when tomorrow comes & No More (HOPEFULLY) Scary firecrackers!!!
                                                   HAPPY 4th OF JULY EVERYONE!!!!


  1. So Lennie is now shopping for a new bike? Poor Lennie that's a real bummer.

    1. There's a happy ending.....wait till tomorrow!!!
