Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013 Last Day in Idaho Springs.....

 I can't believe another month has already passed us by??? Here it is July already.....this is our last day at Cottonwood RV park. Our last I going to the laundromat??? Noooo, we can get by for a couple more days. Maybe our next RV Park will have laundry services!?! We're going to Breckenridge, a noted skis town but also a historic town. Historic....I hope this doesn't mean a town taken over by casinos!?! Even so, if it is....we always have great scenery to enjoy! We do our norm, & pack a picnic lunch, Otis is definitely going with, we don't want the dog to turn into a McDouble!!!
Breckenridge is not too far from Idaho Springs, a nice scenic drive, & we always stop for pictures!
there's soooo many pictures to take!
& I even want Otis in on the act!
We decided to picnic first, but the park we came to had a NO DOGS LEASHED OR UNLEASHED sign! Wow!!!! Wonder what they have against dogs!?! We drove & drove & never did find another park??? We finally found a pull off area for a Trail Head & had a tailgate picnic. I wasn't real impressed with this tailgate picnic, thus no pictures!!!! I hope the town of Breckenridge is better than our picnic was!?! We proceed to the town & hey, it is a historic town, taken over now by shops, & shops & shops, but NO CASINOS!!!!
more shops!
I think this would have been fun but I bet they wouldn't have let Otis on board???
Lennie & Otis are good sports as I go in & out of different shops!

             This is a park in the middle of the historic town of Breckenridge. Park with a view!

 It's time to head back to the RV park. As we drive over Dam Road, we can already see the storm clouds rolling in!

     Sure enough, we have to drive over the mountains in the rain, some thunder & some lightening.
                                                 The thunder doesn't make Otis happy!!!
On the other side of the mountain, we reach Idaho Springs & the rain has let up & we make a stop. NOT at the 24 hour the bridge to watch the rafters having fun, even in the rain!
I told Lennie I wanted to go rafting!
they look like they're having soooo much fun!
Len thinks we might be "TOO OLD" to participate is such a sport!?! I don't think they have an age cut-off....I wonder what he means by that!!?!
AAAH Home in the nice warm dry RV . I have a little quality time with Otis playing,"Let's Tease the Dog"
Otis never gets mad at us no matter how we tease him!

Tomorrow morning we leave Cottonwood RV park & we are heading to Drake,Colorado. Lennie has already warned me that the RV Park is even more rustic than Cottonwood RV Park. I could be doomed as far as internet connection goes. I just get caught up with the Blog, only to worry about falling behind again! 
I hope not......

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