Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26, 2013 Last day in Duluth

This morning we woke up to a steady POURING down rain! Not the way we wanted to start the day! This is our last day here & whatever we have planned is now going to be hampered by the rain....  There's no since rushing breakfast or showers, we're not going anywhere outside for awhile. that's the good thing about Otis & his potty habits, he'll wait till we take him out & never an accident, but still we don't want to make him OVER-WAIT??? Breakfast is over, dishes done, showers, done, dressed & still raining! but not POURING so I put on my raincoat & take Otis out. He LOVES rain puddles & the RV park is now a swimming hole! Looks like our last day here is going to spent right in the RV!?!
But Lennie said, "No Way" & decided we should take a drive into Duluth. We didn't know if we'd be able to find parking due to the Tall Ships Festival but we decided to take a chance. Actually Len had been researching a restaurant Guy Fieri had visited in Duluth, a Smoked Fish House! With the help of our GPS, we found the restaurant. It wasn't real obvious as it was a restaurant within a tourist type mall. Just our luck someone was pulling out of a parking space just as we located the restaurant, we grabbed it & put enough change in the meter to allow us eating time & a little walking around. We're hoping to get pictures of the Tall Ships!?! The restaurant is a walk up make your selection, order & if you're lucky you'll find a table to eat at??? There was 1 table available Len sat down while I studied the menu. Nothing popped out at me, but I settled for a turkey hero. Len who had studied the restaurant Online knew exactly what he wanted when he placed our orders!
&....Len got us a cream soda!
After lunch Len went to use the restroom, while I went into the closest shop to look around. I didn't even get the chance to look around because upon entering the shop I couldn't help overhear the cashier talking with her customer. She was describing the same dizzy-type symptoms I was having? I went up to the counter & invited myself into their conversation.The cashier was describing VERTIGO, which my pen pal Betty, in Minn. told me that was likely what I had.... The customer left, she & I continued in conversation when a man joined us in our conversation telling us he was just getting over a 2 week bout with Vertigo! His case was soooo bad his wife had to call an ambulance for him as he was afraid to walk. I seemed to have the mildest case of the 3 of us, but mine has gone on weeks longer than any of the other two, maybe because they sought out professional medical help??? They both told me I needed to get on a motion illness tablet with the ingredient Meclizine, Betty had told me that too but I hadn't had any luck finding it until I found Dramamine!!!
When we left the Restaurant/Mall, we discovered that we had parked in a Handicapped parking meter space! YIKES!!!! We didn't realize this, it wasn't very well marked! We got in & moved our car immediately! We had planned to walk to Canal Park & get pictures till we realized we were parked wrong! It wouldn't have mattered, since the Tall Ship Festival  was a buy a ticket festival they had everything roped off! There was no walking up & snapping any pictures? We drove back over the Lift Bridge, I jumped out & walked back to the lake front where some of the Tall Ships were docked. I wasn't the only one snapping pictures!
there were 5 Tall Ships at this location
not a good day for the festival
or the festival goer!
They still have Sunday.
                                     I hope for everyone involved it's a better day for the Festival!
We drive up Skyline Drive thinking we might get a better view of the Tall Ships in Port, we see less of the ships but quite the view of Duluth below!
It's cold,damp & rainy, not the kind of weather to try & enjoy last day sightseeing in? What else can a tourist do? Oh I have an idea!
& right next door to this Hobby Lobby was a SAVERS Thrift Shop that was having a Christmas in July Sale. We went in both stores, not we in both, Lennie did not go in Hobby Lobby! Then went back to the RV & a cup of Hot chocolate hit the spot!
For dinner we had spaghetti. As always....Otis wants some people food & Lennie always gives Otis a bit of whatever we're having after we're done. Let me tell you, if Otis doesn't like something, he can get it off the plate in a second!!! When he was done eating the spaghetti, the plate was licked clean & laying besides the plate was a mushroom & a stewed tomato. We already knew from previous tastes trials that Otis didn't like mushrooms, now we know he doesn't like stewed tomatoes!!! No picture necessary here!
Come bedtime Lennie decided we needed some heat! What a welcome sight!
Tomorrow it's Good-bye Minnesota Hello Michigan!

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