Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23, 2013 Last Day in Minneapolis

Last night when I went to bed, as soon as I laid my head down, I took the room for a little spin! This morning when I awoke, as soon as I sat up, I took the room for a little spin!?! It's a funny sensation but it only lasts a second or so.....
Today is our last day in Minneapolis, but not in Minnesota! After breakfast & a good potty walk for Otis, as he is NOT going with us, we are going downtown Minneapolis! I can already feel that strange feeling in my head, but I didn't take the general motion sickness pill????
           The first place we view is the Global Market.
I thought it was going to be similar to World Market, (Lennie LOVES grocery stores!)
It was very small scale, but it turned out it had a little bit of everything. Food, groceries, clothes & crafts.
When we went through the Mexican department I felt myself getting weak, as I love Mexican food, YUM!
Just looking at all that food is making me hungry!
It is time for lunch, yea! We didn't have Mexican but we did have something good!!! We went to Kramarczuk Deli!
This is a restaurant that was featured on Drive-Ins, Diners & Dives, so you know it's got to be good!
Lennie & I both have the stuffed cabbage rolls, which is what Guy featured, GREAT CHOICES!!!
Even tho I'm totally enjoying my lunch....I'm fighting a headache. I try to think pleasant thoughts as suggested by my friend Bill Schmitz, & I think it's working! The restaurant is not only a deli, it's also a bakery. After lunch Lennie suggests we "take a peek" at the goodies! Everything looks soooo good!
I zero in on an orange creamsicle cream puff & Lennie chooses an apple streusel. It didn't help my headache but it sure was good!
We do a little walking downtown Minneapolis just to make sure we didn't miss anything in the area!
You know we haven't been gone that awful long from the RV, but long enough that Lennie stops to get Mr McSpoiled his McDouble!!!
Hey Otis....you want a burger!?!
Of course you do, you're such a spoiled dog.....
While Otis eats his "treat" Lennie has an RV job to do, replacing the slobber tube jar. Then the fun job of dumping the tank, I charge the toilet & no more overflowing! We sit outside for quite awhile. It really was a nice day our last day here! The car is hitched up to the RV, we are ready for take-off in the morning!
After that huge lunch we had, Lennie still wanted a little dinner! Not me! He settled for an omelette! that's easy enough & after dinner we take Otis for his last  walk here. He's okay with that. Each new place brings all new smells for him to sniff out!

Good-bye Minneapolis!

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