Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 29, 2013 God smiled down on us in the form of Sunshine!

What a difference a day makes!!! Yesterday was only good for lazing, which we enjoyed, every once in awhile you truly need a lazy day! But today.....Len woke me up by saying,"Get up Wen, the sun is shining!"
Sure enough it was trying to peek out!

As always Len is up, dressed & has the coffee going before I even think about rolling out! I have coffee & breakfast before anything else, except to feed Otis!!! Len's excited about a sunny day so he's rushing me to get going! He packs our picnic lunch while I get ready. "Come on Otis, let's go potty so we can go for a ride" Magic words to Otis, he's always ready!!!
With the lunch packed & everyone ready we head out for what turns out to be a great day of sight seeing! WAAAYYY TOO many pictures! Our first stop is the record of snowfall! Surrounded on 3 sides by Lake Superior, Keweenaw County sees up to 300 inches of annual snowfall.(That's 25 feet!) The record: 390.4 inches in 1977/78.
A lot of us can remember TOO MUCH SNOW in 77/78 !?!
We are taking a drive up Brockway Mountain Drive.As the highest scenic roadway between the Alleghenies & the Rockies, it offers spectacular sunsets & views of Lake Superior's rocky coast a thousand feet below! the land of waterfalls & lighthouses & we're about to start snapping the camera!
The first falls we saw, Eagle River Falls, was my favorite!
It  has a vertical drop of 20+ feet
Next was Jacobs Falls
These falls could be easily viewed by the roadside.
They too had a vertical drop of 20+ feet.
Next stop a lighthouse. Eagle Harbor Lighthouse.But we have a handicap, Otis. There's a fee to go inside the lighthouse, we don't want to tour the lighthouse, Otis would have to wait in the car....I just want to take a picture of it! As we start leave the parking lot, I snap a picture of the back of the lighthouse.
Then much to my surprise, as we round the Lake, this very same lighthouse comes into view. Across the lake....but that's what the ZOOM lens is for!
                                              3 miles East of Eagle Harbor is Silver River Falls
It has a vertical drop of 5-20 feet
They all have that amber color, makes me thirsty for a root beer float!?!
Isn't it about time for lunch!?! 
Yes it is & it looks like someone is really hungry! I'm more interested in the view behind the park where we're having lunch!
The Blue building in the background is a Swedish Gift Shop! I'm going over there after lunch!!!
I was very disappointed when I got over there! It was a Swedish gift Shop & ROCK & MINERAL SHOP! More rock stuff than Swedish stuff!?!
From a distance.....I try to pull in the Isle Royale Light House. This is a state park & the only way to the Light house is by boat, which costs $$60.00 each & NO PETS are allowed any where on the Island!
Don't worry Otis, I don't want to go anywhere you're not allowed! Let's go look at another waterfall. This time Manganese Falls.
These Falls have a vertical drop of 20+ feet.
.The waterfalls are truly nature at her best, but there's more to nature than the waterfalls!
& I have to click fast as they flutter from flower to flower!

Time to head back to the RV Park & I'm so happy it's still nice outside, we're able to grill out!!!
After dinner we take Otis for a long walk along Portage Lake.
When we get back, it's still nice enough to sit outside & wait for sunset! 
& then it's over & we go in.....
Good-Night until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it turned out sunny today as it is our 51st wedding anniversary LOL LOL!!!! Anyway, I love the water and this is a great album. I cannot even imagine that much snow on record with that meter. OMG!!!! I loved the Eagle River falls and the Eagle Harbor Lighthouse from across the lake. Great shot. Maybe that Swedish gift shop wasn't Swedish after all, just run by a "SWEDE", hence the name????? (Just a thought!) That is probably the prettiest sunset I've ever seen. We don't get that kind around here....too many trees I guess, but I sure enjoy the photos from travelers. AWESOME shot!!!
