Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013 Lazy, Lazy, Sunday!!!!

                          We woke up to a gray, gray, day, & Otis hogging the bed!!! 
When we first arrived at Three Flags RV Park, we heard a commercial for a car show on Sunday (now today) in Rapid City. Turned out one of the entrants in the car show is camped right here only 3 campers down from us!
We made breakfast tacos, something different from our usual breakfast! Otis act like he didn't want breakfast? I even put down some of the left over sausage & he wouldn't eat that??? Maybe he doesn't want to go with us today!?! But after his potty walk, he let us know he WAS definitely going with us this morning!!! It's looking like rain, not a good sign for a car show..... We even needed jackets today! Not really cold....just damp!
The car show was a good turnout! The rain was holding far!
There were a LOT of COOL old cars & trucks at the show!
It would be hard to pick a favorite!
Even Elvis was there performing!
the fans were just awed!!!
I think I know how he arrived!
Nooooo! That was the guy from our RV Park!
I'm still trying to pick my favorite entry!
Too many to choose from!
It was starting to sprinkle a little. Some of the guys were taking their cars out of the show!!!
There was another project going on in town, I didn't see any information to read about it, called Paint the Wall, so I didn't know what it's all about, all I know is, this was one time Graffiti painted on the alley walls, was legal & accepted???
It was kinda cool in it's own way!
Even the garbage dumpsters were painted!?!
& this went on for a couple of alley blocks....
I wish I knew the story behind the art project???
We have another stop to make so we better get going......
Our next stop involved Otis but benefits me!!!
He's going to PETCO to get his nails trimmed! He doesn't like this, but he rides on my lap & I don't like his nails digging into me! It only takes a few minutes & it's all over with & once again he's a happy, spoiled dog!!!
See any tears there!?!

Back at the RV we spent the rest of the afternoon just lazing, oh wait a minute I did do a load of laundry! 
Lennie grilled  a turkey loin for our dinner, it was yummy along with sweet potatoes! When we took Otis out for his evening potty walk, fog was setting in! Tomorrow the weather could be better!!!!
I see Lennie's head nodding back & forth, but he'll say he wasn't sleeping! I'm going to work on a scarf before the sandman comes!!!

Tomorrow we're going to.......???

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