Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5, 2013 Downtown Estes Park

                         Alright Lennie & Otis.....where are you? There you are, outside again!
Come on back inside so we can get breakfast over with! We're going to pack a picnic lunch & go downtown Estes Park! I take Otis to potty after breakfast & Lennie takes the lawn chairs we use last night out of the back of our car. I walk Otis over to the post office & buy some stamps.Out of curiosity I ask the postal clerk about the "TOWN" of Drake, Colorado, he tells me, "You're looking at it!!?!" I like small towns, but a post office & 2 campgrounds is too small for me!
         Estes Park is definitely a tourist town with a view!
Our picnic today had a little urban flair to it! We ate at a park in town!
Lennie multi-tasking again as we only have cell service when we're in town!!!
                  From this park we can walk straight to the main streets of downtown Estes Park!
More than most the stores are Pet Friendly! I've noticed this in other extreme tourist towns! The stores are very crowded with leftover holiday tourists, myself included! We only took Otis in a couple of stores, otherwise Lennie & Otis would wait on the streets......patiently!!!
They had a lot of shops, & I looked in all of them, well....maybe not ALL of them but a lot of them!!!
We were crossing the street, & I couldn't get my camera out fast enough, well I had no way of knowing how Otis was going to react to a horse drawn carriage!?! As we crossed the street & Otis saw the horse.....I don't know what was going through Otis' little doggie mind, but he lunged at that horse???? Now what would he have done if he got to the horse? One kick from the horse & Otis would have been history...
There Mr. Horse, you just keep going down the road, I told you off but good!!!!!
Otis is getting a little rowdy, telling a horse off & all....I guess we better head back to the RV Park!
This river through town & the park, is the same Big Thompson River that flows through our RV park.
We get back to the RV park & chill for awhile before Lennie fires up the grill!
Fish on the grill tonight for dinner!
After dinner.....I work on the blog, Lennie is planning our next adventure & Otis.....
Well....I wouldn't mind being Otis sometimes!

Tomorrow is laundry day! The RV park doesn't have laundry facilities, & the town of Drake, doesn't even have a town! We're going to go into Loveland or Estes Park to do laundry. I can't wait.....NOT!

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