Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013 Last day in Black Hawk, S. Dakota !

Today is our last day in Black Hawk, S. Dakota, which means it's going to be a very laid back day!!! Lingered over breakfast, heck I didn't even get out of my PJ's till after 10:00am! Nooooo Otis didn't have to wait that long to go potty, Lennie took him out! We saw another Discovery RV from Florida at Three FlagsRV Park, & Lennie wanted to talk to the people, to invite them to join our Florida Discovery RV Club!!!!
Since we didn't have any concrete plans for today, we planned to leave late enough that our first stop would be our picnic lunch! We decided to go to the town of Keystone. On the way to Keystone, I wanted to stop in this Scandinavia shop I'd been seeing every time we went in that direction, & so we did! This shop was next door to BEAR COUNTRY USA! This is a tourist attraction that we took our kids to, over 30 years ago, but somehow we felt like Otis wouldn't want to go!?! From the driveway of the shop, we could see just a corner view of one of the exhibits & I stole this camera shot!
I remember Bear Country USA being a cute tourist attraction that we all enjoyed, as I stated I don't think Otis would enjoy it, so we're going on to Keystone!
And the first thing we're looking for is a picnic area! Which isn't hard, the first sign we see points us in the direction of Keystone City Park! It was a nice park & lots of shade!
We were ready to eat right away!
There were other tables, 
but we chose the one under the pavilion!
Even Otis was ready!
After we ate we were going into the "Downtown" of Keystone. We needed to take Otis on a good walk so he wouldn't do anything "serious" downtown!
The town of Keystone has a population of 327!!! It is the closest town to Mount Rushmore, making it a bustling little tourist town.This old mining town offers lodging,dining & entertainment for visitors.
I HAD to look in "some" of the shops, & I don't know why!?! All those tourist shops are the same, same stuff, just  a different tourist town printed on the front of the T-shirts! And...Lennie & Otis wait patiently!
They didn't have to wait outside! Dogs were welcome in all the shops!
There's one shop, as a Turtle Collector, that I should have gone in but didn't!
We're going back to the RV Park, we've got the pre-departure preparations again! Sooooo Lennie dumps the tank, remember what my job was!?! This time I dropped the deodorizer packet into the toilet right away &......I made sure the toilet pedal didn't stick(what a mess that was!) & success!!! Toilet charged & ready to go!
Tomorrow we are leaving early in the AM, I'm not a morning person! Lennie took his shower before we start dinner, & then he put chicken on the grill. After dinner we walk Otis then I take my shower. I learned my lesson from the last time I had to get up TOO EARLY for my liking, to shower! We stayed busy while here, but....time to move on. The only thing we didn't like while at Three Flags RV Park is.....the FLIES!!!! They were terrible! We were battling them constantly!
Otis did NOT like the fly swatter game!Oh, I see a fly right now as I type! I was seriously thinking about those nasty fly strips!?!
Their sunsets certainly made up for their flies! 
Last Sunset in Black Hawk!
Good-Bye Three Flags RV Park


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