Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013 Work Day......

Originally our plans for today was to go downtown Minneapolis, see a few things, then tomorrow our last day in Minneapolis we would do all the prepping for departure. As it turned out, according to the weather man on the local channel Tuesday was going to be the better day weather-wise. Today is suppose to be rainy, making it a better work day & tomorrow a better sight seeing day!
Number one on the job list is laundry, my favorite household job!!!! I'm never in a hurry to do my favorite job, but I can't put it off either! Soooooo after breakfast we load the laundry & Otis & off to the laundromat! Turns out, it's just about the nicest laundromat I've been in! Big too &....they were having a deal! All machines were a $1.00 before noon! Such a deal!?! I needed 2 double load machines, so only $2.00 to do laundry! Lennie & Otis left me there while they went to get the oil changed in the car. When they came back, they found their spot outside the laundromat!
They're such big helpers! But soon enough the job was done We were loading up & heading back to the RV park.
We had a quick lunch at the RV, we still have another job to do but Otis can't go with us! We have to go to Sam's Club & also Walmart to stock up on groceries. Otis can't wait in the car for that amount of time, so far the rain we were suppose to get, hasn't happened???
Before we go to Walmart or Sam's(they are side by side) Lennie made a little pit stop for me, I didn't even ask! But he surprised me by pulling into a......
I got several skeins of yarn! I need to learn to expand past scarves! Oh well, I enjoy knitting scarves, so I'll just stick to it!
Now that the fun is over, Walmart & Sam's Club for some serious shopping, then back to the RV.
After we put everything away we can relax awhile before dinner.
I wish I was that spoiled!!!!
It never did rain today!!!
Tomorrow is our last day here in Minneapolis, but we're not leaving Minnesota yet!!!!

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