Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013 A scenic drive of the area

After a good night sleep we're ready to go explore some of this areas points of interest! Even during our usual breakfast routine Lennie is busy multi-tasking! We had a surprise during breakfast in the form of a thunderstorm!!!! Otis sat on my feet all during the storm. He's not brave when it comes to storms!
The good thing is, the storm didn't last very long! After it cleared up, Otis went for his potty walk, then we packed our picnic lunch & we were out the door!We're just going to go on an area drive. tomorrow we start sight seeing!                               Our first stop today was Sturgis, S. Dakota
Everyone knows Sturgis is a BIG BIKER town, that is, the first week of August it's a Big biker town...
With no Biker Rally going on, 
it was a pretty dead town!
There were a few T-shirts shops trying hard to sell past rally T-shirts & I did look in some of the shops thinking I might find a T-shirt for Kevin?
Think Kevin would look good in any of these!?!
Lennie & Otis waited patiently as usual!
This dog wanted to have a conversation with Otis.....I thought it might be a one sided conversation!
Time to cross the street!
Even the "Government" gets into the Biker Motif in Sturgis!
 Moving on  our next stop took us to our picnic spot! While driving along a scenic byway, we came to Spearfish National Forest. Sounds like a great place to have our picnic lunch. We kept driving looking for a picnic table when we saw...                       Bridal Veil Falls!
Even tho we're just out sightseeing, we are ready for lunch! No luck on that picnic table so we pull into the first shaded pull over we see! Today we had a REAL picnic! We do have a portable fold away picnic table in the back of our car, but we just threw down the picnic blanket!
what a sight
& we had this spot to ourselves!
For awhile that is! We hadn't even gotten our lunch eaten when several cars also pulled off to enjoy "OUR" spot! 
Alright, if they want our spot....let them have it, we've got more sites to see. I wonder where tomorrow's picnic spot will be!?!
We load up & drive away & shortly down the road what do we see???? A PICNIC AREA! It had picnic tables, & the same creek but not the same view! You had to walk to the creek where we were sitting right next to it!
Now here's a spot that could use a picnic table!
but they didn't,
not even at the lake???
Hard to believe it we had a rain storm this morning, it's such a beautiful day!
                                                  Next we reach Deadwood, S. Dakota
    This is a historical town & yes Casinos have moved into downtown historic section of town, but......they              did leave some history behind, it wasn't all casinos!
The casinos blend right in with all the historic store fronts.
They also put on little mock gun shows in the streets. (their claim to fame here is Wild Bill Hitchcock) Soooo a little gunslingers show was about to begin. A man dressed in his western wear of that era, fired a single shot in the air to get peoples attention to announce the reenactment. That single gunshot was all it took to send Otis onto Lennie's lap. Otis wrapped both paws around Lennie's neck & I'm sure he said,""Dad get me out of this scary town!?!" After the gun shot we had to leave, Otis was just too nervous.....he doesn't do good with gunshots either!?!
On the way back to the RV Park we stopped to drive through the Black Hills National Cemetery. It is so beautiful, so uniform.... Because we had Otis with us, out of respect we only drove through. We would have liked to have walk around but it was too warm to leave Otis in the car.
We've almost made a complete circle of this area,  we make another stop....
Len & Otis wait in the car while I take a picture of the chapel!
but when I went inside the chapel, then Lennie came to check it out too!
Before we returned to the RV Park, we did drive through the town of Black Hawk. I didn't see anything in "town" photo worthy??? If we go into town again....I'll give it a 2nd look over!?!
Back to 3 Flags RV park & we get ready for dinner so Otis can have his nightly walk. After dinner all Lennie had to do is say my name & Otis jumps up ready for his leash & walk! 
We sit outside for a while. Lennie calls his mom, we're so happy to be at an RV park where we can finally get cell phone connection & Wifi!!!
You might think Lennie is just enjoying a bowl of ice cream but actually he's multi-tasking again as he plans our schedule for tomorrow.
                                                       & I know where we're going!?!

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