Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 16, 2013 Welcome,Minn...NOT our destination!

This morning we have a longer drive than usual to our next RV park destination.I can't believe it when I hear Lennie telling me to get up, didn't we just go to bed. When we arrive in Minnesota we'll be on Central time, before we even went to bed Lennie set the clocks to central time. We went to bed & woke up & hit the road all on Central time. I was still tired, & I have to function on "MY" time!!! Breakfast was quick so we could get going. I took Otis for his last potty walk at Three Flags, while Lennie finished up with the RV. On my way back to the RV I could see the door wide open & I just wondered how many S. Dakota flies were going to hitch a ride to Minnesota!?!
      We start rolling down the road & it's not long before the rolling hills turn to flat lands...

                                              Good-bye scenery, hello travel miles!
I decide I would work on a scarf! Being at less than a beginner's level in knitting....last year I was pleasantly surprised when I learned dhow to Double Knit, through a tutorial, producing a reversible scarf! For the life of me, the technique would not come back to me!!! Finally after repeated tutorials, & some frustrated practicing....I caught on again!'s not easy to knit with a dog on your lap!!!

We stopped right on target at a rest area for lunch. But.....when we got back on the highway a DiGiorno's pizza truck  passed us. You know you've been on a diet too long when you just had lunch & a passing pizza truck looks good to you!?!
Finally we see S. Dakota in our rear view mirror as we cross the Minnesota state line!
This is a Welcome Center, we stop for a break & so Lennie can load up on brochures!
We're spending the night in WELCOME, Minnesota! This is not our destination, just a one nighter.
What a cool name for a town!!!
I'll have to admit, we didn't see the town, just the RV Park!
It was a nice park, I wouldn't mind spending more than just a night here!
They had nice size camp sites, with lots of shade!
they have definitely been lacking in rain here, that's for sure!
After dinner & Otis' walk....I got my laptop out to do the blog & that's when I decided 1 night in Welcome, Minn. at the Welcome Campground would be enough! Their advertised WiFi did not work!!!. We sat outside talking with our camping neighbors till the mosquitoes ran us in!
Tomorrow we will be in Minneapolis, that is our destination point!

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