Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013 I hope she says "YES" & more!!!

This morning I was pleasantly surprised that Lennie let me sleep in a little!?! It felt good too! The weather report when we went to bed stated that today was going to the start of more "normal" temperatures for the Minneapolis area! But sometime during the night I could hear Otis crying in fear, well maybe not fear, but crying....& it was thunder & lightening & raining! I let him come into our bed. He was scared too, he snuggled up right besides me, for safety or comfort? Same results!
During breakfast Len says today we ought to pack a picnic lunch & take it to Minnehaha Park. Since he's our "Tour Guide" what could I say but agree, anyhow...I'm all for picnics! Still in my PJ's I got busy getting ready for our picnic! After Otis went out, I made tuna salad for our lunch & we got everything ready to go!
Minnehaha Park turned out to be the "Mother of ALL Parks" It was a park unlike any park we've ever been too. This park went on for MILES.The only downside to the park had to pay to park!?! Since there are miles & miles of this park, plentiful picnic areas, you have to pick where you want to picnic, or whatever the activity you're going to involve yourself in. We chose to picnic at the park section that also included the Minnehaha Falls.We chose to eat first, then view the falls.
This is really a nice park!
After finishing our lunch, we put our picnic gear back in our car so we could go view the falls. The falls are fed by a branch of the Mississippi River.
What an added attraction to an already beautiful park!
We walked along a path that brought us to different views of the waterfalls.
We met & talked to this young man at the balcony view of the waterfalls.
Before I took Lennie's picture at the falls, this young man was standing there with his camera phone sizing up his view. Lennie offered to take his picture for him & he went on to tell us such a romantic story! He told us in 10 minutes he was meeting his girlfriend of 7 months & taking her to lunch, at the park restaurant, Sea Salts, only to return to this spot where he had already hidden a bottle of preparation to PROPOSE!!!! He said he his girlfriend was a school teacher & he referred to himself as a "regular joe". He seemed nervous & excited, I guess he had to tell someone!?! 
I hope she says...."YES"
We left the excited young man, congratulating him & wishing him the best of luck, continuing our walk along the waters edge.
As I said this park goes on for miles & miles. It offers walking paths, biking paths, if you don't have a bike you can rent a bike! This is a great place to cool off too!
Oh to be young again!
We made full circle, we're back at Minnehaha Falls. I look across at the proposal site & wonder how that worked out!?!
We went full circle but.....we're NOT out of PARK yet. We get in our car to see what else the park has to offer.We first stop at the park beach, where you can picnic, swim, boat, if you don't have a boat or kayak, they've got rentals!
This is the park beach I wanted to play at!!!
Still within the park, we stopped to view a Core of Engineer project, the Lock & Dam site of the Upper Mississippi River.
                                They were having an Open House, but.....we had Otis!
I offered to let Len go inside while I waited with Otis, but he declined!
We have seen Locks before & we plan to go on a Panama Canal cruise, well that's our goal!
The next part of the park we viewed was the Rose Garden. I don't know if this was the real name or just what Lennie was calling it.Tho it was full of Roses, there were other flowers too!?!
I didn't know there was soooo many different kinds of roses, like this kind.....I'd never heard of????
All the flowers were beautiful!
Along with the garden scenery!
One more flower shot!!
Time to go, there's more park left to see!
As we're driving along, we see the perfect skyline shot of Minneapolis! My camera batteries had died at the Rose Garden, so let me switch them out real quick.....Walking across the street to get the shot, I'm still fumbling with the camera when Lennie says, "Wen, look" I'm thinking he's referring to the skyline shot, but nooooo, look what he sees!
As a TURTLE fan, this was a great shot for me! She drew quite a crowd, It turned out, SHE was not posing for all us onlookers, she was laying eggs!!!!
I was so excited over the turtle, I almost forgot about the skyline view of Minneapolis!?!
I better take 2 just to be sure!!!
There, that's enough excitement for a day, time to head back to the RV Park. but we're not done viewing this park....we'll be back on Sunday, this park still has more to offer us!
Lennie steams fish for tonight's dinner, fish tacos(YUM!) & after Otis' walk it is cool enough to sit outside for awhile. I bring my scarf outside to work on it, it takes me a long time to knit a reversible scarf, good thing this one is just for practice & not intended for anyone, winter might be over by the time they got it!!!
Tomorrow.......well, wait till you see what we're doing tomorrow!?!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...what a gorgeous park. Wish I was there!!! Love that waterfall and love story. Nice shot of the city framed by the trees.
