Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013 Last Day in Drake,Colorado

A Year ago today the Angels carried my mother home to Eternal Peace.....she endured a lot of suffering the last months of her life, so it was a blessing in disguise when she passed......

This morning is not starting out too good???Poor little Otis has a case of the "punies". I knew it was coming on, every time he was out yesterday he kept eating grass.Good thing we're not going anywhere this morning.
Otis did not want his breakfast, he didn't even eat the treat I gave him after going out this morning. He didn't beg anything from us while we had breakfast, he definitely doesn't feel good!?!Well if Otis having the punies, was just the start of a bad day, it went from BAD to WORSE!!! We had a "lazy day" this morning, sometimes you just need to be lazy for awhile, but after lunch...... Lennie & I started some pre-preparations for tomorrow's departure. He put the grill away, I put the tablecloth & basket away, then.....Lennie decided to dump the holding tank. My job when he does this is to be in the bathroom & charge the toilet. I did my job, but on the last charging flush, the toilet pedal stuck in the down position.....I didn't know it as I walked out the bathroom??? Washing my hands I left & went outside. Lennie & I were going on one last drive of the area. Before we left, & thank goodness....Lennie asked me if I dropped one of the toilet cleaning pouches down the toilet....I went back in to do this & OOOOOH  NOOOOOO, what a mess, the toilet was over flowing (NO PICTURES HERE!!!!!) I pushed the pedal back up & grabbed the towels off the bathroom door & hollered for Len!!! Good thing Len had dumped the tank, so it was clean toilet water spilling all over!?! What if we had gone on our drive.....we would have returned with water running out the front door!?! Hmmmmm, that's one way to get new carpeting! Just kidding!!!
                On our drive we came across this perfect photo!
We just had to go inside this Dam Store!
The real perk was the tower
giving you a view of the dam.
Driving on, we won't be gone from home too long, Mr Otis needless to say didn't come along! Maybe he had too many McDoubles!?! We're driving on Rt 34 & it's the same Rt 34 that runs through Illinois!
We have to take another picture of the Big Thompson River! 
which also has a dam......
Times to see about Otis! When we got home, he was obviously feeling better, he even wanted me to play with him & Rocky Raccoon! Now let's see if he wants to eat!  He did, & he begged some dinner off of Len! He's back!!!!                                 Now he wants a McDoubles!!!
After dinner we took Otis for his walk,
The sun is starting to set on our last night in Drake
Not only is this our last night in Drake, this is our last night in Colorado. Tomorrow we are heading to.....???
Early start in the morning, we have a drive ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous view of the dam. Good thing you found that dam store!!!! LOL LOL Did you find anything good in that dam store???? Poor Otis...glad he is feeling better now. Love that sunset picture with the cloud illuminated. Very pretty. I hate it when you leave me hanging on our next adventure!!!! (And I know you are chuckling about that too.) Safe travels.
