Monday, July 1, 2013

June 30, 2013 Disappointed Today.......

Another day starting out with our normal breakfast routine! Are you getting tired of reading this blog!?! We pack a picnic lunch cause we have plans for today! Everything is ready, time to start our day! We are going to Central City! First I stop by the office to thank (Winnie) the owner again for giving Otis a potty break while we were at the Blues Festival. Since I knew she wasn't going to accept money for the favor, while at the blues Festival, I knit her a ruffle scarf! She liked the scarf!!! Now, on to Central City! We've been there before, but again, 30 some years ago. We remember Central City as a historic mining town with lots of quaint shops!                                          I can't wait to get there!
Boy oh boy! Were we disappointed when we arrived! Once called the Richest Square Mile on Earth, this area produced half a billion dollars of gold!But now.....gone are the quaint historic shops replaced by 24 hour Casinos! So yes, the money is still coming in & out through black jack,poker,roulette, & craps. Casinos are open 24 hours a day with a maximum $100. betting stake. You can bet we didn't stick around! We knew the town of Black Hawk was just up the road, & it too was a historic mining town, so....we'll go there! But our disappointment continued as we drove up & down the streets of historic Black Hawk only to discover it too was now a town of Casinos.......We expected some changes in the past 30 years but we didn't expect this!?! In fact we have really been surprised by the number of casinos everywhere out west???
              Oh well, they can take away the history & the quaint towns, but the scenery is still here!
                                                We just drive now to enjoy the scenery!
              Anyhow, it's just about picnic time!!! We just have to drive to find a picnic area!
& here comes another disappointment! We barely get the picnic goodies out when the storm clouds start rolling in & the wind & a word I hate to was getting COLD!
We hurried through our picnic lunch, finishing just as the rain starts to fall! We ran to the car, but I wanted to snap a picture of our picnic background.....
& our abandoned picnic site!!!
There was other people there fishing, but I guess a true fisherman will fish, even in the rain!!!
Nothing left to do but go back to the RV .Our time in Idaho Springs is just about up. We didn't even explore  the town of Idaho Springs! Oh we tried to, but rain kept us away. The only thing we saw in town was the Laundromat, & the drive-thru at the 24 hr. McDonalds! 
We settle in for a relaxing night. After our chicken dinner & dishes are done, we take Otis for a walk up the mountain, before it gets dark! If it's dark.....I'm NOT going up the mountain! Every night during TV time, almost routinely, Otis disappears about 8:30 pm. There's not too many places he can go in the RV & we always find him in the same place!!!
                                     He doesn't do this at home? Guess he gets bored with us!?!

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