Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013 Arches National Park.....with Otis

Our regular routine has started, a quick breakfast for us & Otis, his potty walk & we pack a picnic lunch! We figure the holiday crowds at the National Parks should be gone, as we can see evidence of that right here in the RV park we're staying at. Today we are going to take "our" auto tour of Arches National Park, because Otis is our favorite passenger. We didn't tell Otis we're coming back another day without him so we can hike some of the EASY trails. We arrive at Arches National Park,
& already I can tell it's going to be an OMG day!!!! Sometimes I think I take too many pictures but yet there is soooo much natural beauty here, I'm not sure if I've taken enough pictures!!!
Let me show you what I'm taking about!
There's more!
& more......
This formation is called BALANCE ROCK. Wonder how they came up with that name!?!
Our course we found a scenic picnic spot, but it was sooooo windy out, we really had to hang on to our picnic!!!!
Maybe I should wear my hat, but it was hard enough hanging on to my lunch let alone a hat too!
There's more scenery!
& more!
there's much more but unfortunately there's also.....
OTIS!!!! Sorry Otis, but I can't wait till we come back to Arches, without you!
We got home in time for me to throw a couple loads of laundry in before dinner. This time Lennie & Otis came to help! They really did! But while I was waiting for the laundry to finish the wind got so bad Lennie & Otis went back to the RV to close the windows. It's so dry here that when the wind blows, so does the dust!!!
Lennie grilled Yellow Fin tuna for dinner, yummy, & after dinner the rain came! A steady rain, at times pretty hard. I hope it keeps the dust down cause tomorrow is another adventure.......

1 comment:

  1. Stunning as usual. The 1st one, the clouds look like a strapless bra LOL!! Hang onto the lunch, Lennie...looks like your shirt is becoming a kite. Maybe Wendy should hang onto you too LOL. Yest. it was 40 here. Tom. Fri, Sat, and Sun is going to be in the 90's with extreme humidity. Too much of a change in one day....will need to get out the AC's already!!! BOO. Joe will have more of a hard time breathing. Where are we headed tomorrow? Wendy, you always leave a cliffhanger LOL...little devil you!!!!
