Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 20, 2013 Meeting Betty!

Today is a special day for me!!! I have had an Email pen-pal, Betty Christensen, if not for 15 years darn close to 15 years & today I am finally meeting her in REAL LIFE!!! Betty lives in Minnesota, we're visiting Minnesota, it worked out just right! While we were at our last RV park in S. Dakota I emailed Betty stating we were going to be in Minneapolis & how close were we to where she lived? We picked a town to meet, Lindstrom,Minn, & she chose a restaurant, the Swedish Cafe, she told me it wouldn't be hard to find. Betty also said if we waited till Saturday, her husband Larry could accompany her. That's great cause I wanted Lennie to drive me there, but I didn't want Len to feel like a 3rd wheel, & Lennie knows no strangers....this was going to work out just fine!
After breakfast I take my shower & I'm starting to feel kind of nervous meeting my pen-pal! Unlike Lennie, I find it hard to talk with people I don't know! I can write a 10 page letter to a total stranger but when it comes to talking with someone one on one....that's a whole other story!!! I'm really glad Len is going with me, in case he needs to take over the conversation!!!
It's about time to leave & the knot in my stomach is getting bigger! I don't know why I'm so nervous, we've been corresponding for all those years! We knew we were getting close to Lindstrom, we could see the Swedish Teapot water tower!
The restaurant was right away as we pulled into town! Okay here goes, I'm about to meet Betty Christensen for the first time!!!
Betty & Larry are already in the restaurant. When we walk in, she started waving to us, & the knot in my stomach disappeared & I knew it was going to be alright & it was!
It was a cute restaurant with a Swedish motif, but not a whole lot of Swedish selections to make??? Our waitress didn't push us or hurry us, as as we finished our lunch but continued sitting there talking & talking! All too soon it was time for us to leave. Betty did tell us about a place up the road, a must see!?! H-m-m-m!?! 
              We say our Good-Byes & we're off!   
Down the road this is what we see!?!
Betty told us it was a guy with "WEIRD" sculptures in his field, she was right by saying "WEIRD" Strange hobby I must say, but the price was right!
More weird.....
most weird....
There were a lot more, believe you me!!! Like I said the Admission Price was RIGHT! You can't argue with free! $$$$
We have to head back, Mr Otis is waiting for us! Guess what!?! Lennie couldn't find a McDonalds! Otis did not get a McDoubles but have no fear, Lennie took whatever was available at our exit, so he got.....
White Castle Sliders!!! We don't have White Castle in Florida (thank goodness!) this is going to be a first for Otis!
We'll see how Otis is going to likes sliders!!
He liked them!!!
After his "treat" we sit outside awhile before dinner.
Otis likes being outside! I bring my scarf out to work on it. I only got 2 rows knitted & it was all over for me! Ever since we went to Colorado, I started having a light headed sensation. I thought Colorado's elevation was messing with my head!?! We're no longer in that high elevation but my head hasn't come back to earth yet? I was telling Betty about it & she told me she'd give me a "FREE" diagnoses! I've always said FREE is good! Betty told me my loopy head sounded more like VERTIGO to her???Which ever it is, I don't like it! At the restaurant I felt a headache coming on, I thought it was just part of being nervous? A headache is something I get seldom, to never! But by head feels like it's going to explode! I told Lennie I was going to go in & lie down to try & get over the headache. I laid down & didn't get up till morning! Len came into me at sometime & asked about dinner??? I told him, "None for me" He fixed himself "something" for himself,now I know he can fend for himself if he has to! I felt Otis come in the bed with me, either he was comforting me or thought he could get away with staying in the bed all night!?!
So that was the end of this day!!!!

I can only hope for a better tomorrow!


  1. Playing around with a new kindle. My brain is hurting. I LEFT COMMENT this morning....don't know where it went.


  2. I know where it went!!!! I sent it to your e-mail instead!!! DUH!!!! I told you that Kindle is frying my brain LOL LOL!!! I like my desktop best, but I thought Joe would maybe enjoy it as he doesn't have much to do. I am going to show him a few games and then hopefully I can get some books from the library but I'll have to go there and get HELP HELP HELP. Took me all day just to figure out how to setup an email acct. for him!!!! (Including a trip back to the store for information!! wasn't much help LOL)
