Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013 Good-bye Duluth, Hello Houghton,Mi

This morning Lennie wants to get a fairly early start, I hate it when I hear him tell us(me & Otis!) it's time to get up! At least the little fireplace heater has been on all night so it's not cold.....& it's not raining outside, not yet anyhow!!! I force myself to get up, then make the bed & bring the bedroom slide in. Len has the coffee ready & oatmeal on this damp morning! He's already dressed , who knows how long he's already been up!  After breakfast dishes are done I get myself & then the inside ready for departure & that includes Otis! there's still lots of puddles outside, I make sure I keep Otis on a short leash or he'd be running through them!
Okay, we're off. Our destination today is Houghton, Michigan about a 41/2 hour drive.It's gray & dismal out right now.We drive on & halfway over this bridge we're in Wisconsin!
& Wisconsin doesn't look any different than Minnesota did, it's still gray & dismal!
We make a rest, but no lunch, stop & our next stop, we're in Michigan!
& guess what!?! Michigan didn't look any different than Wisconsin, still gray & dismal!
It might have been gray &
dismal when we arrived at our RV Park in Houghton, Michigan, but it's a nice RV Park!
                                      There's only 22 sites & each site has it's only private deck!
                We are staying at the Houghton RV & City Park.They are together, yet separate!
The RV park is for RVers only, while the City Park is for almost everyone! It's a pretty nice park too 
with a beach
don't know if it ever gets warm enough in Michigan to go swimming!?! 
They have picnic areas, pavilion covered tables,
or lake view tables
The have a playground, any kid would enjoy!
Otis said he was glad he couldn't read & this was the only thing about the park HE didn't like.....
We made a pizza for dinner, YUM! 
Then took Otis for his nightly walk, new RV park new smells to sniff!

We listen to the weatherman & he promised the weather is going to start improving after tomorrow. I hope so but until then....the Fireplace heater will be stoked!


  1. Gosh, Lennie has 2 hoodies on!!! Must be cold up there. Are you going to see Bruce? Where is he located? upper, middle, lower Mich????? Hope the sun comes out....and heats up the place!!!

    1. I'm not sure if we're going to see Bruce & Cathy or not??? I would say they're in middle Michigan & we're up in the UP. But.....we are going to my grandparents (Erickson) old homestead, you'll see that info later this week! The house, tho no one lived in it since the early 50's is still standing, slumping in the middle but still standing!
