Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28, 2013 A Good Day to do NOTHING!!!!

This morning we woke up to POURING down rain, & the rain lasted on & off ALL DAY LONG!!! This is a good day to do nothing, & that's what we did!!! There was no reason to hurry for breakfast, tho the thought of hot coffee was very inviting along with a bowl of HOT cereal!?! Showers......they can wait, even tho the little electric fireplace heater has been going all night long & continues to pour out heat for us! We're really feeling laid back & lazy today. Lennie has plans to watch the race later today, maybe I'll work on my scarf, or not! If it doesn't hurry up & warm up I may have to knit myself a hat!?! I have become a real "Weather Wimp" since moving to Florida!
Eventually Lennie decides to brave the"STORM" & go out to the store to get us miniature marshmallows for our afternoon hot chocolate! The rain has stopped for now, but it's still damp & chilly!
Be careful out there Len!

An unsuspecting Otis is getting a bath while Len has gone for "supplies"! Not Otis' favorite sport, but he's fallen prey to a rainy day....sorry Otis!
When Len gets back, not only did he get the marshmallows, he came back with strawberries too! He also informed me it was 47 degrees out!!!! Yikes I didn't need to hear that! Keep blowing heat little heater!  Now I'm wishing I was Otis & already had my shower out of the way! I even used the blow dyer on Otis, he needs a haircut too but one form of torture is enough for the pup in one day!
Does the dog look like he's been tortured!?!

We didn't have lunch today, just a snack with our hot chocolate, because....we're having an early dinner so we can have our strawberries!!!
I can't put it off any longer, the RV is warm enough to get in the shower. I mean if it was warm enough for Otis! I dress in sweat clothes, definitely not going anywhere today! When the race is over, Len takes his shower & also put his sweat pants on!
 I am making turkey meatloaf for dinner. I don't know what I am looking forward to the most, the meatloaf, or the strawberries! I know what Otis is looking forward to, some meatloaf & then his nightly walk!! He definitely gets his wish. Then we do too, before we settle down to continue doing nothing.....we have our strawberry shortcake!
Completely Fat-Free & still YUMMY!!!

We are going out tomorrow regardless of the weather, we have raincoats & we have umbrellas! 
Please let it be nicer out tomorrow!!!

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