Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 30, 2013 All Day in the Park!

Everyday Lennie is up before me, & when he gets up, he sends Otis back to our bed, then shuts the bedroom door & goes about his business till he "forces" me & Otis to get up! This morning even with the bedroom door I could hear some loud noise going on beyond the bedroom door. I thought he might be saving or showering, but it was too loud for that!?! Yet.....I didn't want Len to know I was "sorta" awake!?! Pretty soon the bedroom door is opened & he tells me to get up & that he's already been a MASTER PLUMBER this morning!?! Seems when he got up he discovered a bathroom leak!?! It's a good thing he carries spare parts with us! He'd already replaced the leaky valve on the toilet, unfortunately that set us behind on our sightseeing plans!?! Quick breakfast & quick showers since we're getting off to a later than usual start!
Today we spent ALL DAY at the park! Now I'm not talking we jumped in the car & 10 minutes down the road we were at the park, NOOOOO!!!! We had such a drive that we went from Eastern time zone into Central time zone! Our park destination for today was Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, & yes, state park we had to pay a fee but it was worth it!!!This was a huge park, in fact it is the largest state park in Michigan, 60,000 acres. We went to Lake of the Clouds Overlook, still part of the park, for our picnic lunch & waterfall viewing.
Everything we did today was right here in the state park, so I am just going to make a picture collage of sorts of everything we saw today!
Lake of the Clouds
Lake of the Clouds Overlook
Then we walked to view (& climb up!?!) the 40 foot high Summit Peak Observation Tower. At 1,958 feet above sea level it is one of the highest points in Michigan! I can't believe I didn't get a picture of the tower
(it's on video) I'm operating 2 cameras at once!!!
Lennie & Otis lead!
It took me awhile to get to the top, I should have counted the steps!
View from the top....
View below!
My legs felt like wet noodles after climbing up & then back down! I wanted to see something with less steps involved!
Oh Nooooo, more steps!
but worth the walk down, then back up!!!
See what I mean!
Walking to view Manido Falls
There they are!
We saw this deer off in the distance, almost too far for my Zoom lens, I begged him to pick his head up & he finally responded to me!!!!
One last fall before we leave the park!
These are the Nawadaha Falls
I'm ready to go back to the RV, my legs are like rubber, I am soooo out of shape I bet I get a charlie horse tonight!?!
We have a long drive back to the RV park, over an hours drive & a time zone! But on the way back Lennie makes one more stop! it's just a roadside park  but hidden down the path is the Agate Falls!

The Falls are hidden from my camera lens by the plentiful trees, you really had to be standing there to feel the depth of the falls....
As soon as you get out of your car at the roadside park, you can hear the waterfalls, but before you see them, you first spot this OLD train trestle.
It must have been something in it's day!
This tree caught my eye as we were leaving Agate Falls, I think it's been overworked by a woodpecker or something!?!

We're back on the road heading for Houghton. It's already past the time we usually have our dinner! I have my fingers crossed & so does Otis, that Lennie will stop & get us some "junk food" , but he doesn't!!! We had a quick dinner & just a short walk for Otis after all the walking we did today!!! 
Lights out early tonight, me & Otis are tired!!!
Tomorrow rain is in the forecast.....not good!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of you at Nawadaha Falls is my favorite. Great pic. The falls are gorgeous. How lucky you were to get that shot of the deer. Lovely day for an adventure.
